Halo Assault Rifle Prop Electronics
I have a Halo 3 Assault Rifle Prop that is pure resin. I want to add functioning features to it.
Ammo counter: http://redmancbparts.com/blue-led-channel-display-cobra-kit/
Maybe HOPEFULLY a Compass: http://www.parallax.com/Store/Sensors/CompassGPS/tabid/173/CategoryID/48/List/0/SortField/0/Level/a/ProductID/779/Default.aspx
Power on: http://www.galco.com/scripts/cgiip.exe/wa/wcat/itemdtl.r?listtype=Catalog&pnum=EM22TP2X4A-CHGP (I AM NOT SURE IF THIS IS THE OPERATION. IT IS A PUSH PUSH it sounds correct I need to push it once for it to stay on then push it again to turn it off)
Trigger (button behind trigger): http://www.galco.com/scripts/cgiip.exe/wa/wcat/itemdtl.r?listtype=Catalog&pnum=HW1B-M2F01-R-IDEC (Needs to be MOMENTARY button)
Power on lights: http://parts.digikey.co.uk/1/1/90536-led-5v-green-diffused-axial-lead-ssl-lxa227gd-5v.html
Magazine button: http://www.galco.com/scripts/cgiip.exe/wa/wcat/itemdtl.r?listtype=Catalog&pnum=HW4B-M2F10-G-IDEC (Needs to be MOMENTARY button)
MAYBE Vibration: I tried and I cant find anything but I was thinking about using the motor from a gaming controller or maybe a massager
So here is my problem I have no Idea how to write CODE I have No idea what micro controller I will need but this is what I want to do.
I would like to have the counter set at 32 and every time the trigger is pressed the number decreases however if you hold it the number will also decrease. To turn it on you press the power on pushbutton there will be 4 small lights showing that it is on (power on lights). Now for the tricky parts once the ammo counter is at Zero(00) you pull the magazine out [there will be a button inside the gun pushing against the magazine so when you pull out the magazine the button is no longer being pressed] the counter will show dashes(--)then when you put the magazine in (the button will be being pressed) the ammo counter will quickly rise from 00 to 01 to 02 to 03 ect. To 32 if I could find out how to use the compass and have a display for it I will use it but that maybe way to complicated. The vibration will just be rapid pulses when the trigger button is pushed.
So if this can be done please let me know and how I can start. If there is a book I could get or something or if you guys would be soo kind just walk me through this. I know its alot of work and I dont worry I will NEVER sale this once I am done. ANY one who helps will receive credit when I brag about this lol
Ammo counter: http://redmancbparts.com/blue-led-channel-display-cobra-kit/
Maybe HOPEFULLY a Compass: http://www.parallax.com/Store/Sensors/CompassGPS/tabid/173/CategoryID/48/List/0/SortField/0/Level/a/ProductID/779/Default.aspx
Power on: http://www.galco.com/scripts/cgiip.exe/wa/wcat/itemdtl.r?listtype=Catalog&pnum=EM22TP2X4A-CHGP (I AM NOT SURE IF THIS IS THE OPERATION. IT IS A PUSH PUSH it sounds correct I need to push it once for it to stay on then push it again to turn it off)
Trigger (button behind trigger): http://www.galco.com/scripts/cgiip.exe/wa/wcat/itemdtl.r?listtype=Catalog&pnum=HW1B-M2F01-R-IDEC (Needs to be MOMENTARY button)
Power on lights: http://parts.digikey.co.uk/1/1/90536-led-5v-green-diffused-axial-lead-ssl-lxa227gd-5v.html
Magazine button: http://www.galco.com/scripts/cgiip.exe/wa/wcat/itemdtl.r?listtype=Catalog&pnum=HW4B-M2F10-G-IDEC (Needs to be MOMENTARY button)
MAYBE Vibration: I tried and I cant find anything but I was thinking about using the motor from a gaming controller or maybe a massager
So here is my problem I have no Idea how to write CODE I have No idea what micro controller I will need but this is what I want to do.
I would like to have the counter set at 32 and every time the trigger is pressed the number decreases however if you hold it the number will also decrease. To turn it on you press the power on pushbutton there will be 4 small lights showing that it is on (power on lights). Now for the tricky parts once the ammo counter is at Zero(00) you pull the magazine out [there will be a button inside the gun pushing against the magazine so when you pull out the magazine the button is no longer being pressed] the counter will show dashes(--)then when you put the magazine in (the button will be being pressed) the ammo counter will quickly rise from 00 to 01 to 02 to 03 ect. To 32 if I could find out how to use the compass and have a display for it I will use it but that maybe way to complicated. The vibration will just be rapid pulses when the trigger button is pushed.
So if this can be done please let me know and how I can start. If there is a book I could get or something or if you guys would be soo kind just walk me through this. I know its alot of work and I dont worry I will NEVER sale this once I am done. ANY one who helps will receive credit when I brag about this lol
I also wonder about the gun. I think the hardest part of the project would be finding components that fit correctly in the gun.
While none of the tasks you outline are very difficult, learning to use a microcontroller does take some time.
I personally like the Propeller but many find the Basic Stamps easier to learn to use.
The Propeller has several advantages. It has eight processors so it can monitor and control multiple things at the same time. I don't think this extra processing power will be needed for this project though.
Another advantage to the Propeller is the Price. A QuickStart board costs $25 while a BasicStamp (depending on which version you get) will likely cost more(my guess is more than double the price of a QS).
But as I mentioned, many people think the Basic Stamps are easier to learn to program.
You might want to get some help with finding parts. Most of the parts you linked to were expensive industial grade components. You ought to look through Parallax's website and SparkFun's website for less expensive alternatives. SparkFun sells lots of different buttons and switches. They also sell a lot of LED displays.
The compass will likely be the hardest part (but not very) to add to the gun. The trick will be finding or making a display that will fit in its designated space.
The count down/count up code should be relatively easy to write for just abou any microcontroller.
I agree with bomber, this is an interesting project.