Propeller noob here. Is it right for me?
I'm currently working on an embedded system that requires the ability to display an alternating pattern of variable rate and type on a monitor.
For example, a checkerboard pattern like the following where the checks flip to the opposite color at a frequency of 2-15Hz.

The pattern could also be horizontal bars, vertical bars, etc., all of variable size.
When researching devices to accomplish this I came across the propeller and it's video generation capability. Would it be suitable for my requirements?
For example, a checkerboard pattern like the following where the checks flip to the opposite color at a frequency of 2-15Hz.

The pattern could also be horizontal bars, vertical bars, etc., all of variable size.
When researching devices to accomplish this I came across the propeller and it's video generation capability. Would it be suitable for my requirements?
Welcome to the forum!
That should be a snap for the Propeller. The easiest way to do what you want would be to predefine the pattern and just swap bytes in the color descriptor when you want to flip colors. (What you propose sounds migraine-inducing, though!
Would creating the patterns dynamically be feasible? I'd like to pass some parameters such as BlackRGB and WhiteRGB (for contrast variability), Width, Height,etc. and create the pattern based on that. There are so many combinations of variables that predefining patterns probably isnt possible.
Having said that, there are some limitations on the color gamut available. The VGA output, for example, uses a six-bit R:G:B (2:2:2) color space. The NTSC output is similarly limited.
Sounds suspiciously like Photic Driving. Seriously dude, don't mess around with it if you've got epilepsy in your family.
Ok sounds good. Thanks so much for the help!
With simple patterns, blocks essentially, tile displays could also be used. A creative set of tiles would provide for a lot of patterns. Resolution could be fairly high as well.
1. Render pattern elements
2. Build screen display.
3. Assign colors
4. Color cycle using color redirection possible in 4 color / tile displays.
If there isn't a lot of other processing needed, a basic set of patterns output to VGA / TV would take minutes. Good match for the Propeller. If wider color spaces are needed, that's going to take a few hours, depending. Good news is we've done them in various ways, each with limits, but the foundations are there. Same for resolution.
The only real difficulty is the combination of resolution, larger color spaces and display detail complexity. So long as one doesn't want to optimize all three, the Prop is going to do the job very nicely.
FemtoBasic, for example, comes in a VGA version and a TV version. The difference is 3 lines in the main program and a recompilation.
No. The Demo board should work fine with VGA. As Mike said, you just need to be sure you have the right code for whichever display type you are using. You can't use a VGA object to drive the TV, etc.
You might want to post the code you're using to set this up. It might be obvious what's going wrong.
I haven't written or modified any code yet. All I tried was running Graphics_demo.spin, Graphics.spin and VGA.spin.
Are you sure that the Demo board has power? Have you checked that your computer can actually communicate with the Demo board?
If I remember correctly, a bank of yellow(?) surface mount LEDs will light up if the Demo board is sending signals to the VGA. Any sign of those?
I'm afraid I'm away from my usual computer that can read SPIN code, so perhaps you could start a new thread and title it something like "Having problems getting Demo board to display VGA" so others might be aware of your present problem. The present title of this thread might cause some people to ignore it but people on this forum are generally very helpful if they see somebody is having a specific problem.
Did you try the TV demo object and try outputting to a TV, but still got nothing?