
More than seventeen years ago I went over to the Humane Society, and adopted a cat. I chose a name for her from my introductory French textbook - Sylvie. For the past seventeen years I have lived with her here in the same apartment, and she kept me entertained, amused, sometimes worried, and always deeply in love. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
This morning I had to put Sylvie to sleep. She was the victim of cancer, as far as I can tell, but did not suffer. I was able to hold her and whisper to her as she passed away. I knew I would lose her someday, and this was as good a passing as I can imagine. I will always love her, and she will always be a part of who I am. I miss her terribly.
Please accept my sympathy for your loss.
Oh, and it's impossible to actually own a cat. The cat owns YOU!
I know... We always had cats at home when I grew up.
One we were given, another was found, one walked in and announced that he lived there...
We live in the house off two cats : noisette and bouboune
They are not sweet all the time and i dont expect so : they are felines.
Be at peace, Sylvie!
So I definitely understand how important those little fellas can be to people.
I suspect that you are going to keep your forum name even though the cat is gone.
Sorry for your loss. I very glad to hear the she didn't suffer. The joy of her memory is something you can keep forever.
When my dog died, a number of years passed by and then I got a robot dog that has remained with me and in the family for decades. Given my travel schedule, this type of dog is perfect and can sleep all the time I'm gone even for weeks or months at a time. I think a robot dog like this could live for 30 years with a battery replacement every now and then.
I'm facing the same issue with my 16+ years cat buddy.
You gave her a chance at the good life by rescuing her from the shelter, and a compassionate passing into the great beyond, so I'd say she was a very lucky cat to have had you for an "owner".
I had to do the same for my buddy Blue just three weeks ago after a year long battle with CRF and pancreatitis.
Will there be another trip to the Humane Society in the future?
We lost Zozo this year. Sometimes animals bond with us in ways that make them like people. You have my best thoughts in this difficult time. It's been about 6 months, and I'm still very upset about Zozo. She used to sit with me when writing or coding, and it's just not the same. Would jump in the car window to see me when I came home from work too. I really miss that. If I tried to leave the car early, she would look at me, pressing down with one paw like, "I need a minute here..." And if I didn't roll that window down? I got "the look" too.
She died of feline leukemia, after getting caught in some trailer or other, driven away on holiday only to figure out how to get home. She was gone three whole months! Thought she was dead, then when she came home, it was amazing. She lived two more years after that. Really hard.
17 years is a long time! It gets better, but it will take a while... Mrs and I have really struggled with that loss, as I know you are right now. It's amazing to me how potent our relationships with animals can become. It really is almost like losing a person. I know Sylvie was really happy, and she got to live a very full life thanks to you and your attention and care.
What strikes me each time, and there have been a few sadly, is just how hard it really is! At times I feel foolish, thinking people won't understand, or that I'm soft, or something. Then I read something like this and know it's just ordinary. Then I'll bond again too. Each time I think I won't, but there will be somebody who catches my eye, and it starts again. Hope it's the same for you someday, because the time you spend is worth it. Hard, at the end, but worth it.
I really like that breed, BTW. We've had one in the past, and found them to be very people oriented cats.
I'm sincerely sorry you lost your friend. Maybe you will find another perfect companion.
-- Gordon
Sylvie was an extremely sweet cat, Gordon. I had lived with cats before her, but never knew one could be this affectionate. I was extremely lucky to live with her. Yes, in my experience, Torties are wonderful (even besides just Sylvie). I'd strongly recommend one to anyone who is thinking about adopting.
I am going to try to avoid getting another cat for now, but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold out. I really miss having someone here. It's so strange not having someone to worry about, but I can imagine there's an upside as well. But that worry made me care about the state of the world.
Potatohead, I'm sorry about Zozo. Your comments were wonderful, and I really appreciate them. I hope that you never forget Zozo, and if she made you into the kind of person who is able to write what you just wrote, then she is still doing good in the world. I will try to "pay it forward" as well as you just did, in Sylvie's memory. My deepest respects to Zozo - she sounds wonderful.
CW, I'm sorry about Blue as well. I'm sure he appreciated you during his hard times. We do the best that we can, and they know it and appreciate it.
Dave, the same for Buddy. Be there at the end, and be comforting.
Rick, it sounds like you have had twice as difficult a year as I have. My condolences.
Ahle, yes, I will remain Sylvie on the forum, to help to remember her.
Thanks! I meant all of it, BTW. You are right too. I don't think we can help but be better people when we share a bond and time like that with animals. They are special, in that they feel no shame over who they are. If we do bond, and come to love one another like what can happen sometimes, it's a completely honest, pure thing. When I was about middle school, I experienced this with a cat, and was hooked! Sometimes life was really hard, and I could settle in with the cat, maybe computing, gaming, or sometimes just sitting there petting, and lots of hard stuff would just evaporate away. Amazing really.
Honestly, I think animals should be prescribed for some things. They really can help.
Ever since then, I've had various animals and have loved a lot of them. We have two other cats right now. They are good cats, but rather ordinary cats, not the "wide awake" kind we are talking about, and missing right now. Even that's good though.
If I were you, starting to feel a bit lonely, just go looking. When it happens, it happens. I've never really picked my favorites. They picked me. If that sounds goofy, well? All I can say is it's true.
Thanks back for your nice words. We both are probably a bit better for this exchange, and our cats done some good.
@ctwardell: Man! What a struggle you had, and just recently too. Here's my best! It's not enough, but I say it all adds up somewhere. Take care. Not easy times right now.
They stand for "it was the first time I was ever asked for a username (back in '94), and it wouldn't take just "Sylvie", so I tacked some easy-to-remember numbers onto the end.
Sylvie carried me through the grief of my father's death in '96, and of another cat's death in '98. I agreed with every word you wrote here.
I probably will go look at cats at some point, but I really want to try to hold off for the time being. I know one will pick me when I start looking again - Sylvie did. I imagine I probably will give in, but I hope not too quickly.
Thanks guys, it helps to hear from others that have the same affinity for animals.
Blue liked to meet me at the door when I'd get home, still not easy walking through the door and missing him running to me.
We have three others, a 17 year old male and two 10 year old sisters to keep us occupied, plus a hampster named Sammy...
@potatohead, sorry to hear about Zozo, sounds like she was very attached to you.
@mindrobots, sorry to hear about your cat and dog, two that close is really tough, may I ask if that is your cat as your avatar?
@Davejames, sorry to hear your facing a similar situation with Buddy.
Thanks again,
The avatar cat is doing fine! She was chosen as an avatar cat because of her eyes. She's aloof even for a cat! The one we lost this spring was a shelter rescue (all, including the 5 we have left are rescues) of unknown history. She was with us for 7 years and started showing signs of cancer earlier in the year. She just let us know when it was time.
Our dog was the toughest loss - 17 years from a 5 week old unwanted puppy to a dog that kept going strong up to the end. She was with us longer than a lot of spouses are these days! She was my constant companion (and surprising best friend of my avatar cat). There's still an empty spot by my side and sad times when something reminds me of her.
The animal bond is unique and hard to explain. Some people get it and some never do. Some of us are strongly afflicted!
Best wishes to all of us and prayers for our companions as we share our tales of joy and sorrow.