Driving pins high or low for power supply.

In the last couple posting I've submitted to the Gadget Gangster blog I've used a technique of driving two pins (one high/one low) for the purpose of supplying power to the project.
Here's the examples:
This is not a technique I've seen commonly on the forums, so I thought I'd post it here to let the EE wizards here to chew on.
According to Parallax Technical support, the concept is fine as long as I don't draw more than 40 mA from the pins.
Here's the examples:
This is not a technique I've seen commonly on the forums, so I thought I'd post it here to let the EE wizards here to chew on.
According to Parallax Technical support, the concept is fine as long as I don't draw more than 40 mA from the pins.
If you don't have to reverse the voltage to the project board, you could do better by just switching Vdd and using the same ground as the Propeller is using. That reduces the voltage loss to only 0.3V and it avoids the ground shift.
But the altimeter requires so little current that there's hardly any voltage drop.
For some sensor applications it actually has great benefits as you can reduce/eliminate the bonding wire voltage drop in the Prop's internal ground and power leads. I use this technique to power differential bridge pressure strain gauges with good success. At low currents it brings the excitation voltages closer to the rails inside the Prop, and hence improves the Sigma-Delta A/D converter concept.
Peter (pjv)
That's handy because if strings of data sent to the LCD that are supposed to be ASCII accidently contain binary data, it can put the LCD into some unknown mode where it won't respond, but with a data pin powering it, it's easy to power down/up the LCD to force a hard reset without having to power down the entire propeller unit.