Help Please. Loop doing strange things
I have been troubleshooting this code for some time now but to now avail. I hate to bother the forum with this but I'm at a standstill.
The code scans 4 push-buttons and starts a new method on a specified cog hen the conditions are met. The code works only when I comment out any of the cognew, coginit, and cogstop commands. The code works if I do everything in the same cog but I as soon as I try a new cog the loop will spit out a weird symbol and stop working altogether.
I have tried every way I could think of to start the "motorStep" method on another cog but I just can't get it to work. Thanks in advance for your help
The code scans 4 push-buttons and starts a new method on a specified cog hen the conditions are met. The code works only when I comment out any of the cognew, coginit, and cogstop commands. The code works if I do everything in the same cog but I as soon as I try a new cog the loop will spit out a weird symbol and stop working altogether.
PUB Main {{Senses pins XPlus, XMinus, YPlus, YMinus logic state to control outputs on pins XDir, XStep, YDir, YStep}} Debug.Start(9600) waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt) Debug.Str(String("Program is running...")) Debug.NewLine XCount := 50 'Set XCount variable to 50 YCount := 50 'Set YCount variable to 50 dira[XDir..XStep]~~ 'Set stepper control pins as inputs dira[YDir..YStep]~~ 'Set stepper control pins as inputs dira[0..3]~~ '-----Set test LED pins as inputs dira[25..27]~~ !outa[0..3] '-----Test the LED outputs by cycling once at one Hz !outa[25..27] waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt) !outa[0..3] !outa[25..27] 'End of initialization repeat 'Loop scans input pins for current state if (ina[XPlus] == 1) and (ina[XMinus] <> 1) and (XCount < XMAX) 'If button is depressed, without the other button being pressed and XCount is not at its max value, activate the corresponding method 'cogstop(1) debug.str(String("Step X CW")) debug.newline 'Corresponding method started in a new cog 'coginit(1, motorStep(CW, XStep), @Stack1) 'cognew(motorStep(CW, XStep), @Stack1) XCount++ Debug.Dec(XCount) Debug.NewLine 'waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt) elseif (ina[XMinus] == 1) and (ina[XPlus] <> 1) and (XCount > XMIN) 'cogstop(1) debug.str(String("Step X CCW")) debug.newline 'coginit(1, motorStep(CCW, XStep), @Stack1) 'cognew(motorStep(CCW, XStep), @Stack1) XCount-- Debug.Dec(XCount) Debug.NewLine 'waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt) if (ina[YPlus] == 1) and (ina[YMinus] <> 1) and (YCount < YMAX) 'cogstop(2) debug.str(String("Step Y CW")) debug.newline 'coginit(2, motorStep(CW, YStep), @Stack2) 'cognew(motorStep(CW, YStep), @Stack2) YCount++ Debug.Dec(YCount) Debug.NewLine 'waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt) elseif (ina[YMinus] == 1) and (ina[YPlus] <> 1) and (YCount > YMIN) 'cogstop(2) debug.str(String("Step Y CCW")) debug.newline 'coginit(2, motorStep(CCW, YStep), @Stack2) 'cognew(motorStep(CCW, YStep), @Stack2) YCount-- Debug.Dec(YCount) Debug.NewLine 'waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt)
I have tried every way I could think of to start the "motorStep" method on another cog but I just can't get it to work. Thanks in advance for your help
I hope you realise that it does take some time to start a cog. It has to load the code from hub and then begin executing.
Since you have not posted all the code, it is hard to tell what is wrong. Likely it is what kuroneko has said.