Has anyone seen/written an XML/KML parser for the Prop?
Hi All,
I'm chasing some code to parse XML/KML files in order to read coordinates or other data into an array, or other data structure. Something similar to the Attopilot, but for a land based vehicle.
Appreciate any tips.
I'm chasing some code to parse XML/KML files in order to read coordinates or other data into an array, or other data structure. Something similar to the Attopilot, but for a land based vehicle.
Appreciate any tips.
There is also a regexp object...
The reason I'm using KML, is it can quite often be exported from mapping applications, and also used by various other GPS devices. I'll be using GPS parsing for data logging back the other way, but need to be able to read waypoints from an SD card.
I'm hoping to be able to strip out a lot of the unnecessary info, and simply gather the waypoints and any other 'useful' information I need. As it's going to be ground based, there's no need for altitude.
I might be able to use a variation of ConfigReader to do the job, but will need some work.
For practical purposes there will probably have to be a set limit of waypoints that can be used in a single file.
Let me know what you think?
Massimo, do you have a link to the regexp object, I don't think I've seen it.
Check also all the GPS objects... NMEA strings and KML are not so far apart...
Regexp looks like it will come in very handy for parsing both KML and GPS data and may help free up a cog or two.
Thanks for the tip.