prop to prop communication
I am starting a project that will require connecting two props together...I have been looking at the object exchange and noticed Brandon Nimon's Fast Prop-Prop Comm...Has anyone used this program...does it work good and is it concern is related to the simple ACK looks like it changes the ports (output to input / input to output) on each of the propellers...If I remember correctly you can damage a microcontroller if your output ports receive input voltage...
A note about this object though, and I feel a bit ashamed to say it, I've had problems integrating it into certain projects I've had. I think there is a bug on the TX side, but I haven't been able to find it, and haven't had the time or a need to find the source of the problem and fix it. That being said, I know there are people on the forums that do use the object, and I have a couple projects that use it just fine.
Not to hijack the thread, but if you find problems due to the mentioned bug, there is another working alternative.
The propforth multiprop code (MCS) provides continuous communications channel(s) between props. It includes the protocol and data transfer is just about as fast as the prop is physically capable as fara as I know. The main intent is to allow tranparent adding prop to give the application more ccog and pin resources. It has not exhibited any issues, so we think its pretty solid. Its coded on forth, so its pretty easy.