NEW: Quick Adapter Module

I just put this up this morning, the Quick Adapter Module is an expander for the QuickStart board - it adds;
- Barrel Jack & Screw Terminal power connectors
- Reset Switch
- A LD1117V50 LDO regulator, which does about 1A @ 5V
- An expansion spot for a second EEPROM.
The design is open source (of course), and diptrace design files are on the project page. I'm cleaning up the schematic right now and it will be up shortly, as well.
Project Page
Let me know what you think!
This is great! I have a bunch of QuickStart boards. This will make adding PP Modules easy. I also like the extra power.
I need to order these when I get home! ...especially with the special deal!! I've been wanting to test how fast Jeff can ship something 30 miles or so!
Keep it up and you'll end up making something like this with some D/A on it so you can mount an Arduino Shield onto a QuickStart! (consider it an UPGRADE to the Arduino Shield!)
Ken Gracey
There are two pictures there, but neither shows the QAM connected to a QSB.
You guys will like these. It's a quick and easy build and makes the Quickstart boards compatible with soooo many existing products!
It might even be faster than you think! I usually skip over to Medina at least 3-4 times a month (Friday nights) to visit "The Exchange" and have dinner at that Mexican restaurant next door.
A little coordination and you might be able to get things faster than almost anyone else.. (except Bryan)
And one in a stack,
Standoffs are included.
How about one more, of the QAM underside, showing the header?
Great job shipping my order. Looking at the email you did it in about an hour. Thank's
None of your pics show the QS board. I think you need one with it tilted on it's side showing the QS
board on the bottom. All your picks give the impression the protoplus is the featured product.
After I ordered I even took a second look thinking is this for the QS board or the protoplus and your USB board.
I understand you want to show how the adapter makes your other boards like the protoplus work now with the
QS board so keep all the present pics but have a new one showing a QS on the bottom as the first one so
everyone gets the idea right out of the gate.
I'm making a daughterboard for the Quickstart (custom project) that has a 5v Regulator that goes to Vin
Should I connect the 5V to /USB_PWR_EN (goes to the gate of a P-chan mosfet)
with a pull-down resistor so when you unplug the ac adapter
I still have basic access to the prop with USB.
@tony - Take a quick look (here) - " USB power enable pin, inverted. Pulled to USB 5 V supply. Internally driven low after successful USB power negotiation. Can be externally driven low to force the USB power input to drive the QuickStart power supply, such as when powering from a USB charger."
@tom- good feedback on the photos. I did revise the main photo to include the QS board, at least on the bottom - if you don't see it, your browser might be showing you a cached copy of the old image.
It's also on the project page.