How is the W5100 interfaced / connected to the Propeller?
Don M
Posts: 1,653
Does it use a parallel 8 bit and SPI bus? It looks like quite a few connections between them. I'm trying to figure out a "replacement" for the W5100 using a WiFi module it that's possible. These WiFi modules don't have any provisions to store any HTML code so I was going to use the prop and SD card similar to what is being done now with the Spinneret only replacing the W5100 with a WiFi module.
I think M K Borri may have somewhat answered that but wanted to confirm with those that have been more involved with it.
Which WiFi module are you using?
Mode information is openly published in the W5100 Datasheet. If you use the Indirect driver then the Spinneret is consuming 10 I/O pins, 2 address and 8 data, plus the 4 CS, RD, WR, and INT. The connections are published in the mentioned schematic.
I don't see why the data bus for your WiFi setup needs to be the same as the W5100. I do understand a consistent SD card and RTC interface. I'd be of the mindset to free up a few Propeller pins with the WiFi setup if possible.