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POV demo for the Demo board? — Parallax Forums

POV demo for the Demo board?

ProcessingData...ProcessingData... Posts: 208
edited 2011-10-17 16:12 in Propeller 1
I recall there being an object that used the Built-on LEDs on the Demoboard for a simple POV display.

Does anyone still have a link to the thread or code?




  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-10-17 16:10
    Post#12 on this thread. Coded by Beau Schwabe
    ''** Fun example uses the LED's on the demo board to display a bitmap           **
    ''** pattern stored in a data table                                             **
    '' Coded by Beau Schwabe (Parallax).                                            **
    ''                    Directions:
    ''                    Load the program. LED's will appear to ALL be on.
    ''                    Rapidly move the demo board back-n-forth.
    ''                    (unplug USB2SER connector first-grin
    '' Other options to this program would be to use an accelerometer
    '' to determine which direction/speed you are moving, and display
    '' an actual message forward or backward accordingly.
      _xinfreq      = 5_000_000          'Set crystal frequency to 5 MHz
      _clkmode      = xtal1 + pll16x     'wind it up to 80 MHz via a X16 PLL
      Rate = 50_000                      'Set motion rate.
    PUB Message | scan
      dira[16..23] := %11111111          'Make I/O's 16 to 23 OUTPUTs
      repeat                             'Enter Endless Loop
        repeat scan from 0 to 26         'Create an offset index from 0 to 26
         outa[16..23] := Propeller[scan] 'Lookup byte value in data table at offset 'scan'
         waitcnt(Rate + cnt)             'pause so we can see something
    Propeller     byte %00000000
                  byte %00010000
                  byte %00111000
                  byte %01111100
                  byte %11111110
                  byte %01111100
                  byte %00111000
                  byte %00010000
                  byte %00000000
                  byte %00000000
                  byte %11111111
                  byte %10000001
                  byte %10000001
                  byte %10000001
                  byte %11111111
                  byte %00000000
                  byte %00000000
                  byte %10000000
                  byte %01000000
                  byte %00110000
                  byte %00011000
                  byte %00000111
                  byte %00011000
                  byte %00110000
                  byte %01000000
                  byte %10000000
                  byte %00000000[/SIZE]
  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-10-17 16:12
    PS, it is easy to find if you use the Google "site restricted search". Type the following into a Google search box......
    pov demo board
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