PASM-loop misses some IR-receiver pulses

my current project is "recording" IR-remote-signals in a special way.
I'm using an IR-receiver that is NOT decoding the carrier-frequency.
The Output of the TSOP98200 does still show all the single-pulses with carrier-frequency. (usually these receivers are used for lowest-level IR-repeaters re-emitting the carrier-signal)
Why am I using this one? Because I want to record all carrierfrequencies (30, 33, 36, 38, 40, 44, 50. 56 kHz) Because of this a standard demodulator with a fixed carrier-frequecy can't be used.
Now my current approach to to this is to measure the carrier-frequency of the first pulses.
Then setting up counterA to neg-edge-mode FRQA := 1 and then running a loop that looks for PHSA
beeing bigger than zero. This loop runs at a frequency of 8 times carrierfreuquency.
Whenever a carrier-pulse is detected a bit is added to a long But only at the carrier-frequency.
If 32 bits are put together this long will be stored into HUB-RAM.
This means each bit represents one carrier-pulse to reduce needed RAM.
Now the strange thing is that some pulses are not detected.
in the fixed-font part below you see a long row if "1"s but at two places 3 zeros inbetween.
(the bold red ones)
I re-checked with a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) several times if these short "no carrier"-sequences are coming from the IR-receiver. The do not. The IR-receiver it self produces
a continious pulsetrain.
Know I'm puzzled why my PASM-loop is missing some pulses as the loop is running at 8 times higher speed as the pulses come in.
I'm using the counter which is independet of code-execution. The time between reading out PHSA and resetting PHSA to zero for the next cycle is pretty short.
Much shorter than a period. I even added another cog that strechtes the pulses from the IR-reiver from 1 microsecond up to half carrier-frequency (38kHz = 26 microseconds) Pulsewidth 13 microseconds.
How can it be that some pulses are detected as zero = no carrier-pulse? while there are carrier-pulses!
and here is the interesting part of the PASM-code
arrrgh!! What is this forum-software doing with my well-fomatted fixed-font code????
Even when I copy it back from the forumsoftware-editor field and paste it into the propeller-tool
everything looks fine again. Only when showing it in the forum the columms jump back and forth like they want.
Forum-Administrator !! Get the forum-software-guy up and solving this problem!!!
make 101% sure that not even a single pulse is missing.
keep the hints coming
best regards
my current project is "recording" IR-remote-signals in a special way.
I'm using an IR-receiver that is NOT decoding the carrier-frequency.
The Output of the TSOP98200 does still show all the single-pulses with carrier-frequency. (usually these receivers are used for lowest-level IR-repeaters re-emitting the carrier-signal)
Why am I using this one? Because I want to record all carrierfrequencies (30, 33, 36, 38, 40, 44, 50. 56 kHz) Because of this a standard demodulator with a fixed carrier-frequecy can't be used.
Now my current approach to to this is to measure the carrier-frequency of the first pulses.
Then setting up counterA to neg-edge-mode FRQA := 1 and then running a loop that looks for PHSA
beeing bigger than zero. This loop runs at a frequency of 8 times carrierfreuquency.
Whenever a carrier-pulse is detected a bit is added to a long But only at the carrier-frequency.
If 32 bits are put together this long will be stored into HUB-RAM.
This means each bit represents one carrier-pulse to reduce needed RAM.
Now the strange thing is that some pulses are not detected.
in the fixed-font part below you see a long row if "1"s but at two places 3 zeros inbetween.
(the bold red ones)
I re-checked with a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) several times if these short "no carrier"-sequences are coming from the IR-receiver. The do not. The IR-receiver it self produces
a continious pulsetrain.
Know I'm puzzled why my PASM-loop is missing some pulses as the loop is running at 8 times higher speed as the pulses come in.
I'm using the counter which is independet of code-execution. The time between reading out PHSA and resetting PHSA to zero for the next cycle is pretty short.
Much shorter than a period. I even added another cog that strechtes the pulses from the IR-reiver from 1 microsecond up to half carrier-frequency (38kHz = 26 microseconds) Pulsewidth 13 microseconds.
How can it be that some pulses are detected as zero = no carrier-pulse? while there are carrier-pulses!
ser.start(30,31,0,115200) done cognew(Toggle_Pin(0, 4),@ToggleStack)done cognew(@entryMeasureFreq,0) done ready for recording pulsetrain wait for pulsetrain wait for pulsetrain 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111[COLOR=red][B]000[/B][/COLOR]111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111[COLOR=red][B]000[/B][/COLOR]1111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111100000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000001111 11111000111111111000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000001111111111111111111 10000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000011 11111111111111111100000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000111111111111111111 11000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000001 11111111111111111110000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000011111111111111111 11100000000000000000000000111111 11111111111100000000000000000000 11111111111111111111000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000001111111111111111 11110000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 01111111111111111111100000000000 00000000011111111111111111111000 00000000000000000111111111110001 11111100000000000000000000111111 11111111111111000000000000000000 00111111111111111111110000000000 00000000001111111111111111111100 00000000000000000001111111111111 11111110000000000000000000011111 11111111111111100000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 recording of pulsetrain done clockticks from pulse to pulse TestVar1 2090 _Period_8tel TestVar2 261I attach my full testcode as a ZIP-archive.
and here is the interesting part of the PASM-code
arrrgh!! What is this forum-software doing with my well-fomatted fixed-font code????
Even when I copy it back from the forumsoftware-editor field and paste it into the propeller-tool
everything looks fine again. Only when showing it in the forum the columms jump back and forth like they want.
Forum-Administrator !! Get the forum-software-guy up and solving this problem!!!
DAT ORG 0 entryMeasureFreq { ' --------- Debugger Kernel add this at Entry (Addr 0) --------- long $34FC1202,$6CE81201,$83C120B,$8BC0E0A,$E87C0E03,$8BC0E0A long $EC7C0E05,$A0BC1207,$5C7C0003,$5C7C0003,$7FFC,$7FF8 ' -------------------------------------------------------------- } StartOfCode call #SetOutPuts call #Read_SPIN_CmdM call #SetupCounterMode 'initialise variables for recording IR-signalstates mov _IR_Recv_Long, #0 'reset long containing bits of sampled pulsetrain mov _HUB_Base_AdrM, par add _HUB_Base_AdrM, #ptr2HUB_RAM_Buff mov _HUB_Act_Idx, _HUB_Base_AdrM 'Reset BufferIndex to baseadress mov _Buff_Count, _BuffSize 'setup variable for buffer-filling-loop mov _32Bit_Count, #c_NoOfBitsPerLong 'setup variable for filling long with IR-statebits mov _Period_8Cycl, #0 mov _CarrierOnFlag, #0 mov _CarrierONCnt, #0 mov _CarrierOffCnt, #0 mov _NrOfPulses, #0 mov _LastNoOfPulses,#0 mov _NewNoOfPulses, #0 mov _SumOfPulses, #0 mov _PeriodFrac, #1 shl _PeriodFrac, #c_Divisor '_PeriodFrac contains the fractional how often call #MeasureCarrierFreq 'coming back from this subr means new carrier-period starts right now 'the counter is already prepared through a mov PHSA, #0 to catch the next high-to-low-transition 'and PHSA containing 1 (and not a highrer value) mov _TestVar1M, #0'_Period mov _TestVar2M, _Period_8tel mov _SPIN_CmdM, #1 'set Status to 0 to indicate command finished call #Write_SPIN_CmdM xor OutA, _LED_RightM 'set bit "_LED_LeftM" in OutA-register to 1 mov PHSA, #0 [COLOR=blue] Record_IR_Bits_Loop waitcnt _MFlopMatch, _Period_8tel 'wait for 1/8 of a period mov _NrOfPulses, PHSA 'PHSA holds actual sum of pulses update actual number of pulses [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] add _Period_8Cycl, #1 'increment number of Period 8th cycles cmp _Period_8Cycl, _PeriodFrac wz 'check if a complete period is over if_nz jmp #Record_IR_Bits_Loop 'only if period is over do the rest [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] mov PHSA, #0 mov _Period_8Cycl, #0 'reset loopcounter cmp _NrOfPulses, #1 wc 'check if there were new pulses if_c mov _IR_Recv_Bit, #0 'no pulse received => set IR_Recv_Bit to 0 if_nc mov _IR_Recv_Bit, #1 'a pulse received => set IR_Recv_Bit to 1 [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] add _IR_Recv_Long, _IR_Recv_Bit 'add actual bit to long sub _32Bit_Count, #1 wz 'check for last loop within actual long if_nz shl _IR_Recv_Long, #1 'if not last bit shift bits 1 to the left [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] if_z call #WriteLongToBuffer [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] if_z sub _Buff_Count, #1 wz 'if byte was written to buffer decrement _Buff_Count by one if_z jmp #Recording_finished 'if _Buff_Count reaches zero buffer is full [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] 'mov _NrOfPulses, PHSA 'PHSA holds actual sum of pulses update actual number of pulses 'cmp _NrOfPulses, #1 wc 'check if there were new pulses 'if_nc or OutA, _VPTriggerPin 'if _NrOfPulses is >= 1 then the C-Flag is cleared 'if_nc add _TestVar1M, #1 jmp #Record_IR_Bits_Loop [/COLOR] Recording_finished mov _TestVar1M, _Period 'mov _TestVar2M, _Snapshot2 'sub _TestVar2M, _Snapshot1 mov _SPIN_CmdM, #0 'set Status to 0 to indicate command finished call #Write_SPIN_CmdM infLoop nop jmp #infLoop 'SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS '# START Subroutines '######################################################### SetOutPuts mov _BitMaskM, _LED_LeftM or _BitMaskM, _LED_MiddleM or _BitMaskM, _LED_RightM 'or _BitMaskM, _MonoFlopPin or _BitMaskM, _VPTriggerPin or _BitMaskM, _toggleBit or DirA, _BitMaskM 'set bits of BitMakM in DirA-register to 1 andn OutA, _BitMaskM 'clear bits of BitMakM in OutA-register to 0 SetOutPuts_ret ret '--------------------------------------------------------- '######################################################### SetupCounterMode 'setup counter-mode and initialise INcS-Register and TSUM-register ' 3 2 1 '10987654321098765432109876543210 '10987654321098765432109876543210 '%-CMODEPLL--------B__PIN---A__PIN '%00111000000000000000000000000011 movi CTRA, #c_NegEdgeDetectorNoPLL 'setup counter for negative-edge-mode movs CTRA, #%000000010 'sense IO-pin 2 mov FRQA, #1 'load summand-register with 1 mov PHSA, #0 'load summerise-register with 0 SetupCounterMode_ret ret '--------------------------------------------------------- '######################################################### MeasureCarrierFreq or OutA, _LED_LeftM 'set bit "_LED_LeftM" in OutA-register to 1 cmp _TestVar2M, #120 wz if_z jmp #PresetPeriod mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO 'which means pulsetrain starts mov _InputStateM, #8 'load bitpattern that should be matched waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until INA-registerbit specified in _IR_Recv_Pin2 'has the same state as in _InputStateM mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO 'which means pulsetrain starts mov _InputStateM, #8 'load bitpattern that should be matched waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until INA-registerbit specified in _IR_Recv_Pin2 'has the same state as in _InputStateM mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO 'which means pulsetrain starts mov _InputStateM, #8 'load bitpattern that should be matched waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until INA-registerbit specified in _IR_Recv_Pin2 'has the same state as in _InputStateM mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO 'which means pulsetrain starts mov _InputStateM, #8 'load bitpattern that should be matched waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until INA-registerbit specified in _IR_Recv_Pin2 'has the same state as in _InputStateM mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO WaitIRPinLow waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO 'which means pulsetrain starts mov _FirstPulse, cnt 'take snapshot of free running systemcounter or OutA, _LED_MiddleM 'set bit "_LED_MiddleM" in OutA-register to 1 mov _InputStateM, #8 'load bitpattern that should be matched WaitIRPinHigh waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until INA-registerbit specified in _IR_Recv_Pin2 'has the same state as in _InputStateM mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO WaitIRPinLow2 waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO 'which means pulsetrain starts mov _SecondPulse, cnt 'take snapshot of free running systemcounter andn OutA, _LED_LeftM 'clear bit "_LED_LeftM" in OutA-register to 0 mov _Period, _SecondPulse sub _Period, _FirstPulse 'calculate clockticks of pulsedistance (=carrier-frequency) mov _Period25, _Period shr _Period25, #c_Divisor 'shr c_Divisor bits to the right means divide by 2^c_Divisor jmp #here PresetPeriod mov _Period, _2000 mov _Period_8tel, _Period shr _Period_8tel, #c_Divisor 'shr 3 bits to the right means divide by 2^3 = 8 - 1/8 of a period mov _MFlopMatch, _SecondPulse 'copy value of systemcounter-snapshot before add _MFlopMatch, _Period 'add clockticks of 1 period sub _MFlopMatch, _AheadTicks 'substract clockticks to be ahead of the next high-to-low-transition mov PHSA, #0 'prepare counter to detect high-to-low-transition or OutA, _LED_MiddleM 'set bit "_LED_LeftM" in OutA-register to 1 jmp #MeasureCarrierFreq_ret here mov _Period_8tel, _Period shr _Period_8tel, #c_Divisor 'shr 3 bits to the right means divide by 2^3 = 8 - 1/8 of a period 'wait until next pulse-period begins mov _MFlopMatch, _SecondPulse 'copy value of systemcounter-snapshot before add _MFlopMatch, _Period 'add clockticks of 1 period sub _MFlopMatch, _AheadTicks 'substract clockticks to be ahead of the next high-to-low-transition waitcnt _MFlopMatch, _Period mov PHSA, #0 'prepare counter to detect high-to-low-transition or OutA, _LED_MiddleM 'set bit "_LED_LeftM" in OutA-register to 1 MeasureCarrierFreq_ret ret '--------------------------------------------------------- '######################################################### WriteLongToBuffer wrlong _IR_Recv_Long, _HUB_Act_Idx 'write long to HUB-RAM add _HUB_Act_Idx, #4 'set HUB-RAM-adress to next long mov _IR_Recv_Long, #0 'reset long that contains sampled bits of pulsetrain mov _32Bit_Count, #c_NoOfBitsPerLong 'setup variable for filling long with IR-statebits WriteLongToBuffer_ret ret '--------------------------------------------------------- '######################################################### ReSyncToCarrier mov _InputStateM, #0 'load BitPattern ZERO waitpeq _InputStateM, _IR_Recv_Pin2 'wait until specified bit "_IR_Recv_Pin" is ZERO mov _MFlopMatch, cnt 'new snapshot of systemcounter add _MFlopMatch, _Period sub _MFlopMatch, _AheadTicks or OutA, _DebugPin add _TestVar2M, #1 waitcnt _MFlopMatch, _Period 'mov _IR_Recv_Bit, #1 'resyncing means a pulse has occurred so set _IR_Recv_Bit to 1 ReSyncToCarrier_ret ret '--------------------------------------------------------- '######################################################### Read_SPIN_CmdM mov _HUB_Base_AdrM, par add _HUB_Base_AdrM, #ptr2_S2A_Cmd rdlong _SPIN_CmdM, _HUB_Base_AdrM mov _HUB_Base_AdrM, par add _HUB_Base_AdrM, #ptr2TestVar1 rdlong _TestVar1M, _HUB_Base_AdrM mov _HUB_Base_AdrM, par add _HUB_Base_AdrM, #ptr2TestVar2 rdlong _TestVar2M, _HUB_Base_AdrM Read_SPIN_CmdM_ret ret '--------------------------------------------------------- '######################################################### Write_SPIN_CmdM mov _HUB_Base_AdrM, par add _HUB_Base_AdrM, #ptr2TestVar1 wrlong _TestVar1M, _HUB_Base_AdrM mov _HUB_Base_AdrM, par add _HUB_Base_AdrM, #ptr2TestVar2 wrlong _TestVar2M, _HUB_Base_AdrM mov _HUB_Base_AdrM, par add _HUB_Base_AdrM, #ptr2_S2A_Cmd wrlong _SPIN_CmdM, _HUB_Base_AdrM Write_SPIN_CmdM_ret ret '--------------------------------------------------------- _IR_Recv_Pin2 long |< 3 _MonoFlopPin long |< c_IR_Recv_Pin _DebugPin long |< 5 _VPTriggerPin long |< 6 _10microSecs long c_10microSecs _toggleBit long |< c_C3_LED _LED_LeftM long |< c_LED_Left _LED_MiddleM long |< c_LED_Middle _LED_RightM long |< c_LED_Right _BuffSize long c_Buffer_Size _zero long 0 _AheadTicks long c_AheadTicks _CarrierOnFlag long 1 _2000 long 2000 _SPIN_CmdM res 1 _TestVar1M res 1 _TestVar2M res 1 _HUB_Act_Idx res 1 _HUB_Base_AdrM res 1 _Buff_Count res 1 _32Bit_Count res 1 _FirstPulse res 1 _SecondPulse res 1 _Period res 1 _Period25 res 1 _Period50 res 1 _Period75 res 1 _MFlopMatch res 1 _EOSamplMatch res 1 _IR_Recv_Bit res 1 _IR_Recv_Long res 1 _InputStateM res 1 _BitMaskM res 1 _dummyLongM res 1 _NrOfPulses res 1 _LastNoOfPulses res 1 _NewNoOfPulses res 1 _SumOfPulses res 1 _MatchVal res 1 _Period_8tel res 1 _Period_8Cycl res 1 _CarrierOffCnt res 1 _CarrierONCnt res 1 _PeriodFrac res 1 _Snapshot1 res 1 _Snapshot2 res 1I hope some PASM-gurus can explain to me why some pulses are missing and how I can
make 101% sure that not even a single pulse is missing.
keep the hints coming
best regards
I really wonder why you want to keep all these bits?! The only thing I'd keep is the frequency you measured and translate the rest into a signal without carrier information. If you are interested I can post some code from my experiments (using a receiver) which translates the signal into a table of high and low times and a string which even is human-readable that describes the whole cycle.
With the timing-table and the length of a cycle you could even detect which remote control is sending.
As far as I remember playback of this signal has also been implemented and I successfully send recorded codes to the TV and a digital picture-frame.
thank you for answering. The alternative for storing the signal I see is to store the duration-times when the carrier is On/Off. Now this could be done as a multiple of the carrierfrequency or in 1/10 milliseconds.
Both result in 16 bit values (as the pauses between repeats can be 20-100 milliseconds.) Now with more signal-analysis these pauses could be found and somehow reduced to a 8bit value. So I would need
estimated half the memory for the price that some strange IR-remotes won't match with bordervalues to determine what is a repeat pause.
Reducing the information to databits has the same problems. How short/long is a "1" and a "0" and I would have to implement bi-phase-coding, pulse-distance-coding, pulse-length-coding.
If you have code doing all this reliable I would like to see it.
As I plan to use a 4MBit flash-ROM I don't worry too much about memory with my approach. In my method the duration of carrier On/Off is represented by the number of bits beeing "1" or "0".
So playing back will be very easy. Whenever a bit is "1" send a single carrier-pulse = IR-LED on for some microseconds. Whenever a bit is "0" the IR-LED stays off.
Moving from bit to bit is done with the carrier-frequency.
I changed my code to use POS-mode instead of edge-mode. This means the PHSA-register counts up not only if a transition is detected but wenever and as long as HIGH-level is detected.
This means I have to detect is PHSA = 0 or is it greater than 0 (regardless of how much greater than 0) greater than 0 means a carrier-signal has been detected.
With this change I get sequences of "1"s without one, two or three zeros inbetween. So for the IR-remote I did this primary testing it now seems to work reliable.
Next testphase will be other IR-remotes with new and quite weak batteries to see if it then works reliable too And playing back.
keep the suggestions coming
best regards
For the record, if you look at your scan result you'll find two more gaps (4 total).
thank you very much for analysing my code and showing how it can be coded shorter.
I corrected my code but there is still a gap. I guess the carrier-frequency is not that stable. (Yesterday I opened another IR-remote-control that was already defect. No chrystal just a capacitor or maybe a resonator)
I guess that having measured the carrier-frequency with some deviation it might be that right inbetween the last
mov _NrOfPulses, PHSA
and resetting PHSA to zero
mov _NrOfPulses, #0
some pulses are not catched. Anyway until now I'm satisfied with the solution to use the counter in POS-mode. Meaning PHSA counts up whenever the IR-Pin is high.
As I only have to detect zero pulses or more than zero pulses it doesn't matter what the exact number in PHSA is.
With this mode I had no more gaps.
In the backround of my head I have a vaque idea of using two cogs:
one cog for resyncing on each single pulse and signaling each pulse towards the second cog. And the second cog collecting the bits together and writing the bitstream to HUB-RAM.
But I have to think more about this before I can start coding it.
best regards
What I do is:
Find the high-times and low-times allowing a deviation and build up a timing table which is sorted (the longest low-time is dismissed because it is the pause between 2 repeats). Together with the typical number of bits send per periode and of course with the carrier frequency this gives a "fingerprint" of a remote control without knowing the real codes so far.
What I plan to do is to create a hash-value out of this, so that finding the right codes is easier.
Let's say I have 4 different high-times and 2 different low-times, then I say high 1 = A, high 2 = B, high 3 = C and high 4 = D.
Low 1 = a and low 2 = b. This way I can translate each cycle into a sequence of letters and easily compare this sequence with codes that have been learned before.
With all the timing-information and the letter-sequence you can also recreate the signal. This is as far as I remember already working.
I think if you manage your 000-problem your code would be perfect to feed my code ;o)
I have solved the 000-gap problem. the solution is to use the counter in POS-mode. Or when using it without the monoflop with NEG-mode. This means PHSA counts up whenever the IR-Pin is high.
As I only have to detect zero pulses or more than zero pulses it doesn't matter what the exact number in PHSA is.
With this mode I have no more gaps just a slight deviation in the numbers of "1" and "0".
best regards
You inspired me to continue with this stuff again, so I'll setup my gadgetganster board again! I wanted to continue with code for learning IR codes and write them to different files.
By the way ... can you tell us a bit more about your project (if you want to)?
Here is the code in version 2 which at least shows you the string I talked about.
And for all who don't want to run the code, here is an example of a sample:
As far as I remember, the code samples twice because some IR codes contain a switching bit, some send a code only once and then just a repeat code. Forgot what the 36 means at the end of code 1, but I'll find it out ;o) ....
thank you for sharing your code. As you haven't commented your code I'm too lazy (at the moment) to analyse your code.
best regards
But I found out that IRbase2 is pretty nice. You can scan a whole remote control and save the codes on SD card.
First you're asked for a filename, then you enter the key-name. After confirming with return you push the according key on the control and the code is displayed and stored on SD card. When entering space the file is closed and the last key is played back on an IR diode attached to two pins. One pin is replaying the signal, the other pin toggles with carrier frequency.
The C3 needs a different SD-card-driver as the SPI-bus is multiplexed. I haven't dived into that yet. To tell about the project. I want to record all common carrier-frequencies and store 50-60 IR-commands for playing back.
I don't want to use an SD-card. I want to use a SPI-flash-ROM.
Next step is to play back the IR-code from my stored bitstream representing carrier On/Off.
What do you think how much memory does your time-classifying-approach save about my carrier-On/Off-approach?
best regards
With the bitstream you can't do that, as small deviations will cause a failure of the compare.
If I read your initial post right you need ~2000 bits => 250byte per key
What I measured is the code of a JVC IR remote control which has a pretty long message and it could be packed to 18 bytes per key. Additionally 32 bytes are needed for storing the time-table per different remote control.
Playback is easy. You attach one side of the diode to one pin and the other side to another pin. On one pin you constantly output the carrier frequency, on the other pin you output the signal you recorded.
Your functionality with the timing table is great. Especially for recognizing codes.
As you wrote my code would feed perfect into your code. Does your code use a carrier-demodulating IR-receiver? And therefore is fixed to a certain carrier-frequency?
So my code would expand on different carrierfrequencies? The timing analysing would be made from the numbers of "1"'s and "0"'s my code delivers?
best regards
Yes, my hardware setup is theoretically fixed to a carrier frequency. And the code maybe needs some little adjustments. Function analyze works without a change. addList tries to find the timing entry in the list and adds it if no value close enough is found. The deviation allowed is currently set to +/- 2 bits. translate should work and printTrans also needs to take care of the deviation. So, depending on how big the difference the length of the 1s in a row and the 0s in a row is, the deviation maybe has to be changed.
And yes, that's what I'd expect. You simply read the signal into the sigBuf which currently has a size of 257 longs and let my code do the analysis.
For detection of the type of IR control I think some "normalization" or maybe averaging of the timing values needs to be done to make them comparable. My idea is to normalize somehow depending on the carrier frequency. So it would be nice to know the timings you measured.