PCWorld touting the Arduino
The November issue of PCWorld has an article touting the Arduino with help from LadyAda (Adafruit.com).
She describes it as "the glue people use to connect tasks together"...
Maybe Parallax should send them a write-up on the multi-core capabilities of the Propeller.
- Ron
She describes it as "the glue people use to connect tasks together"...
Maybe Parallax should send them a write-up on the multi-core capabilities of the Propeller.
- Ron
Results matter.
Stop grousing.
Get your projects out there.
I have a few nanos and I've been assisting an arduino guy with his IR tx/rx. It's easy enough to pick up, so is Spin.
I wouldn't touch a "shield" with a 10-foot pole.
I think the Atmel micros are somewhere between the Stamp's PIC and the Propeller, sort of like the SX.
And that's how I see it.
"Aft hull plating is gone!"
"Arm photon torpedoes. Fire!!"
All this to destroy one little Arduino Uno.
-- Gordon
This does not mean I dislike Parallax gear. Quite the contrary as I have much more Parallax stuff. But the Arduino is pretty capable too and the IDE is nice.
What dumping?
Who's dumping?
Nobody's dumping on anything.
All I see when I look at Arduino's website is a Pbasic copy.:frown:
On RC Groups, the scope of the group projects is immense! Perhaps
a few Propeller group projects on boards like RC Groups would draw more
I have to agree 100% with PJ Allens comments as well as those by Gordon McComb and Capt. Quirk. All the smack downs in the world will not do anywhere as much to raise the image of the Propeller as a few good projects using the propeller to the best of it`s potential.
Well said !!
2. Anger: "What?!! It's just a freaking AVR! The Prop is leagues ahead of that thing! Why is it getting so much press? A plague upon that publication! May ten thousand fleas infest its editorial staff!"
3. Bargaining: "I promise to be nice to old people and bratty children, if the Arduino would just ... go away."
4. Depression: "The Arduino will never go away. [sniff!] The world at large is doomed to single-process mediocrity!"
5. Acceptance: "Meh. Who cares? Let them have their stupid Arduinos. I've got my Propeller!"
Can't we all just skip to stage five?
About all that Parallax can really do is to provide a good modular Propeller platform for starters and the best they have come up with is the Propeller Proto Board - which isn't really optimal for the kind of stacking that Gangster Gadget has done better at.
I suspect that the more fundamental problems are related to the kind of computer language that the NOOB thinks is easier to learn. OOP in any form is a bit daunting to many who don't know anything. The popularity of computer languages with Basic is their name remains in that there is a fear factor involved in learning to code. Maybe, SPIN just scares off the less ambitious.
The world will always be divided into the micro-controllers that include hardware solutions for every option and devices that can do the same in software. Until the user begins to understand that the hardware solutions tend to create more problems and complexity than needed; that user will seek out PICs and AVRs as solutions rather than something as versatile as an SX or Propeller.
Before you think I'm getting at you, I agree wholeheartedly with you about the Gadget Gangster Propeller boards, they are great. The Prop Proto board is good but it's not that "plug-n-play" thing the world seems to crave now a days.
Now I do have a question re:
As far as I can tell the MCU world has never been divided that way, well, not until quite recently.
Originally we had micro-processors, just a CPU like 8080, 6800, Z80 etc, you had to add memory chips and peripheral chips like UARTS, Timers, parallel I/O etc. if you need them.
As time went by semiconductor processes shrank the circuitry and little by little those memory and peripheral functions got built into the same chip. Think 8051 for example.
Now we have systems on a chip that pretty much include everything you need for many applications in a single device. Think PIC's AVR's and all those immensely complicated ARM chips that sit in mobile phone now a days.
The complication there is of course that you have to pick your chip carefully for the application you have. You lose flexibility.
As for the "...devices that can do the same in software" please give some examples. It was quite a rarity to bit bang a UART in software for example.
Only in very recent times do we see the emergence of the Propeller, still a niche product in MCU world, that throws out dedicated peripherals and uses the silicon real estate for extra processors (COGs), holds up the idea of "software peripherals" and hence gives back the flexibility.
The only other example I can think of that is generally available is the chip that shall remain nameless here (starts with X) which is also a recent development.
Just want to check something here - has anyone ever seen Leon and Heater in the same room?
There is also Chuck Moore's GreenArrays device (144 processors):
It has to be programmed in Forth, which is something of an acquired taste.
Not me. I'd love to meet Leon some day and his cat. Might not be much fun for anyone else in the room though.
Stage 6. Try connecting the two worlds together!!
(see link in sig!)
Dead on!
You mean like how Bruce Wayne & Batman, or Clark Kent & Superman, are never seen together?
I'm the one who wears his underwear under his trousers.:)
Hmm... For those who speak American here that is "I'm the one who wears his pants under his pants". Just to avoid confusion.
Leon, Help, they are getting at us.
Wonder how us Americans ever came up with that concept?
Getting totally off topic. Sorry.
But PJ et al. are right - projects are what really matters. There are more Arduino users, so there are more Arduino projects.