Old Car Brochures Online

Utterly non-Parallaxian: moderators, delete at will! Just a nice online collection of sales brochures for old cars.
Something for everyone. Except me and my 1967 Corvair. They have 1966 and 1968...
What people worked on before the Stamp and Propeller!
Something for everyone. Except me and my 1967 Corvair. They have 1966 and 1968...
What people worked on before the Stamp and Propeller!
Danged Unmarked Intersections.
Oh, yeah, I always thought it a great name for a microbrew. Kinda like Boston and its infamous merry-go-round rotaries.
I must recount a funny little anecdote related to old cars - a few months back my father-in-law downloaded some old black and white police dramas that he watched in his youth. They came complete with advertisements from the time, including an ad for the "1959 chevy". It had a little ditty too with someone singing about how great the 1959 chevy was and how you need to "buy the 1959 chevy". And at the end of the ad break, my mother-in-law turns to my father-in-law and, in all seriousness says "these shows are really old Mike, I wonder what year they were made?"
I can just walk out into my garage to behold my first car, a '67 Corvair in need of loving restoration. It's a mixed blessing to still have it, but duty calls and I am determined that one day, it will roll again!
Then the twins will total it a week later.
I'm sure you will instill that the <CAR> runs on a alcohol blend and <NOT> the <driver>.LOL.......
I would "will" it to them so I didn't see it totaled though.
Thanks Erco! <bookmarked>
OK I'll stop, as I'm opening myself up for retorts about Corvair weaknesses. As a preemptive measure, I'll mention:
rusting, fanbelts, oil leaks, overheating, oversteering, over rolling (!)
And the classic service station conversation:
"Hey buddy, your engine's missing up front!"
"That's OK, I have a spare engine in back!"