search sucks on this site and obex
Any idea how to use the search?
All I want to find is the PID functions that Andy Lindsay wrote a while back. I put in "PID" get nothing I put in "Andy Lindsay" and get every post ever written in the history of this site.
Any ideas? I am sure this has been brought up before but I can read about it cause if i search for it I get everything.
All I want to find is the PID functions that Andy Lindsay wrote a while back. I put in "PID" get nothing I put in "Andy Lindsay" and get every post ever written in the history of this site.
Any ideas? I am sure this has been brought up before but I can read about it cause if i search for it I get everything.
Also, searches on the forums directly do not work with anything less than 4 characters. That is why PID gives you nothing.
Lastly, occasionally people will add tags to their posts, so you can search the tag cloud sometimes. (scroll to the bottom and you will see the tag cloud link)
(dome of silence decends)
confidential, internal, eye's only, Parallax secret...
i use google - works every time-
I knew it!
Am I left here to dangle in the wind?
To face Darth Bump alone?
Ohhhhh! Woe is me!
But, yes, when the forum search fails, Google works fine, and I use it.
I think you'll find my new avatar fitting.
PID* Lindsay
Brings up 2 results, the top one being the one you probably need.
Bump, can is there anything that v-bulletin can do about this? Is it possible to persuade it to index all the three letter words even if it takes a lot of disk space? Is there any way to edit the 'search response' text ("Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.") to be a little more helpful? Could you ask the vBulletin makers for a patch? Is there a way to manually enter some specific 2 letter (eg "C3") and 3 letter words to be searchable?
Yes, but instead of a subtle mind trick it's more of a boot-to-the-head approach.
I could change the 'phrase' line about not being able to find results and it is possible to rebuild the search database to include 3-letter words, so yes to both of those as possibilities.
I have a patch to implement soon, but it doesn't fix the problem with search functionality... sadly. The vBulletin staff is very responsive to security issues but historically fails to address a lot of other problems; however they do provide other powerful tools, maybe the best for now, for forum software. Also to note, trying to navigate their code is like untangling fishing-line; it is like four teams developed their own part of the CMS then superglued it all together and called it a day.
Tags on the other hand work beautifully for less than 4-letter searches. For that we have a few options...
Right now we have limited it to OP-only tag generation, so it is up to the OP to tag their thread. We could open it up again to allow any user to tag the thread, but therein lies a problem... too many tags. Even with a restriction like 2 tags per post after a while (90 posts later) you're looking at a potential for 180 tags in the tag cloud.
It can become an even bigger problem when people start to more childishly abuse tags trying to increase its relevance for the forums' search or other external search engines, which lead to our current decision to limit the tags for OP-only and I believe it is a five-tags-per-thread limit. Much like prefixes though we can't force people to use them, search them, or auto-categorize them for the benefit of all users.
Oh, and I almost forgot. Wildcards and other regexp work for the search on vBulletin forums, if that helps.
This was discussed by the forum staff once before. The reason we won't go this option for the forum's internal search is because of google's, in this example, inability to handle all of the additional functions for a vBulletin search. I'm talking about user search, tag search, date search, thread specific, and so much more.
Since vBulletin search doesn't work, the additiional functions aren't a big value add. I have never found the built in search function to return a reliable result, so I can't trust it, and so never use it. Google search at least returns results.
'Odd, then, that my results using the built-in search are usually good, except for the special case of short search words. It's still where I go first to search the forum, and I seldom have to resort to Google.
I think doing this much would be a significant improvement. Countless future users and many existing ones would love you, or at least not hassle you, for it. Then we'll be able to search for VGA, COG, BOT and PID and all sorts of good things.
How limited is the 'phrase' line? Could it include an html link to an optional offsite search (limited to the domain)?
Speak up Matt, we can't hear you! *grin*
INPUT Parallax_search
IF your looking for the Parallax = WiFi or something similar THEN
Use google
SUB Parallax_search
__param1 = nothing' help here!!!....move-along...No Search..No WiFi...move-along
SUB Use google
__param1 = 1' search solved
Thanks for the files.
Parallax - if you wish I could re-make these websites for you and guarantee that the search function would operate correctly. :P
The forum's built in search function is not reliable and consistently does not return posts for specific search words, posts that I know exist. So it is not dependable and cannot be used for my searches. If there's a way to finesse it with customization, I simply don't have the internet speed (calling up additional page etc. and wait for loading) or the time for it.