question on Propeller Demo board
i just received my Propeller Demo board Rev G, when i program it and reset it does nothing. one of the LEDs on the board (not the power LED), its by the chip itself, lights and does nothing. is this normal
Please post the code.
What is the code supposed to do?
How are you powering the Demo Board?
this program does not run when i reset or turn off the board, i have a wall wort power adapter that i received with the board
Are you storing the program in the EEPROM so it will boot up when power is turned on?
You can load your program into EEPROM by using the F11 key.
Next time, surround your code with [ code ] and [ /code ] tags (without the extra spaces).
Does the Propeller Tool successfully download the program?
dira[16..23]~~ 'Set pins to output
Whereas you should instead just say:
I think all of us have made this mistake when we were still getting used to the Prop. As Mike noted the delays you have are way way too short. I prefer to code a millisecond routine and then I know how long it is when I say " ms(100)" for instance.
i am used to the BS2 code, sorry about the stupid question
this is my first time on this forum
thanks again
I wouldn't say that it's a stupid question. The Propeller will run a program from RAM or EEPROM. Sometimes it's handy to just run from RAM, when your still debugging a program. I usually run from RAM if I'm trying out new code, provided the program continues to loop.
Hey, welcome to the forum!
Don't hesitate to post your questions here.
It's a friendly bunch. Mostly. :-)
Yes, Kevin brings up a good point. Just remember that if you load a program into EEPROM, it will stay there until you load something else or "flush it out" by loading a Do-nothing program. In the past, I've made the mistake of loading one version of a program into EEPROM, then went on debugging by loading fixes into only the RAM, only to come back the next day, power up the Propeller, and find my machine doing all sorts of weird things because it's automatically booting up that old program I had loaded into the EEPROM and never flushed out. So just keep track of what you've got stored in EEPROM.
Remember, we have all been there and done that. Just post you questions if you cannot work it out. We can set you on your way