Anybody got the Event Driven LSA (Logic State Analyzer) ViewPort democode working?

I tried democode of the Event Driven LSA (Logic State Analyzer) ViewPort-object
with ViewPort 4.5.3 but I only get an errormessage
But the Eventlogger-Client-Screen stays empty after clicking start capture.
Did anybody got this thing working?
best regards
I tried democode of the Event Driven LSA (Logic State Analyzer) ViewPort-object
with ViewPort 4.5.3 but I only get an errormessage
But the Eventlogger-Client-Screen stays empty after clicking start capture.
Did anybody got this thing working?
best regards
Works for me VP ver.4.6.3 on win7 machine
thank you for answering. VP4.6.3 is still a beta right?
Can you attach a working example-code that is triggered by PIN30 to a posting?
Thank you very much in advance.
best regards
I didn't do so well with viewport at all! :-( I reached out to hanno <SP?> and found that the source of my problem was that since I don't have any machines running windows natively I ran it using an XP instance running in virtualbox. Word is that viewport doesn't work well running in virtualbox.
I see VP ver. 4.6.4 is available on the post regarding VP and PropBasic
I've been running the LSA for several years now. Using Windows XP via Parallels on an iMac! Cool tool, imho. I'd be lost without it. Can't say it didn't take a bit of effort to get it working; might seem obvious to Hanno, but to get it right from the user manual, not easy. But once working, soooo useful for PASD and Spin.
where did you download VP4.6.3??
If I go to download-section of viewport the offical version is VP4.6.2
The link to betaversion tells only things about VP4.6.2 too???
Anyway if I download the Eventlog-Test.spin to the propeller
the lower-left-corner of viewport looks like the second screenshot
then I use the config-wizard in the Eventlogger-client like shown in the fourth picture.
then I click write to propeller and the lower left corner of Viewport looks like third picture
trace-IDs see screenshot 1
I recognized that the viewport variables elog ReDo E1, E2, etc always look the same regardless of what bits I configure to be trigger or Event-pin.
I guess there is something wrong with the DDE-communication
keep the hints coming
best regards
Now it works like expected. Though it uses COG-RAM for capturing and has only space for 99 events.
More academic than real interest. How much money would I have to spend on a digital storage oscilliscope that would be able to sample at a resolution of 0,5 microseconds for a time of 200 milliseconds = 400.000 samples?
Maybe I have to write my own LSA that writes to HUB-RAM. Am I calculating right that writing a long to hub-ram needs 22/80 = 0.275 microseconds. So a resolution of 1-2 microseconds look realistic for writing to HUB-RAM?
keep the questions coming
best regards
Hanno has VP downloads as where XXX is the version.
I'm getting close to unveiling my open protocol analyzer- it uses ViewPort's new "download array" feature to properly solve exactly this type of problem. You'll be able to use pre-existing protocol adapters for popular protocols or write your own. Events are timestamped with microsecond resolution, cached locally and then merged into ViewPort's database for realtime visual filtering and triggering. I'll post some screenshots tomorrow...