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xbox 360 controller through xbee for robot control — Parallax Forums

xbox 360 controller through xbee for robot control

mhamen3mhamen3 Posts: 69
edited 2011-10-11 05:18 in Accessories
I have seen a few robots online that were controlled with an xbox360 controller. You can buy a wireless usb xbox 360 controller reciever for a computer then somehow read the inputs and send them from your pc to your bot over xbee. Anyone have any idea how to accomplish this? Or have links to some resources that might be useful?



  • Mark_TMark_T Posts: 1,981
    edited 2011-10-11 05:18
    Much easier to use a wireless PS2 controller - basically SPI interface (although at 5V). The wireless ones are transparent to the host as they are after-market (and very cheap ;)
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