Is the javelin really dead ???
Posts: 11
Hi, friends I'm curious about if i can do my new project using the "PINK JAVELIN STAMP" without the fear of the end of life of this component.........
Not really.
They are not building it any more, but I still bought one last week, and have one spare.
I'm starting a brand new project, and it's with the Javelin...
There is a JVM running on the Propeller. Also, they are building a GCC chain to compile on the propeller. I hope to be able to run JCC on that too, but not sure.
Java is so easy for me to use that I don't think I will use another language for my micro-c.
But for me, it doesn't mean it's dead.
They still have a lot in stock (713), which mean I can still do a lot with them.
The Micro-C is working with with the Super Carrier Board which is $20 only.
For the JVM on propeller, take a look here:
But it's not maintained anymore. Jazzed is very busy now on GCC port.
I tryed it, and it's working quit well!
But for me, as long as there is Javelins in stock, I will continue with this one. I simply keep some on the side as spare just in case they are running out of stock and one of mine failed.
Then, in few years maybe, I will move to something else, but that give me time to figure to what I will move.