[PASM] waitcnt duration problem

I have a puzzling problem with some Propeller Assembly code I'm writing to have my propeller chip talk to an LCD module.
Using my Saleae Logic analyser I can see that my pins are going high and low just as I want them to, but I can't get the timing right for some reason...
Here's the code:
I want to make an 80 millisecond delay at the line indicated above. But no matter what value I set POWER_ON_DELAY to, the delay is always 1.3333 microseconds according to the Logic probe output.
I'm sure I'm missing out an obvious step somewhere, but I can't figure this out.
Using my Saleae Logic analyser I can see that my pins are going high and low just as I want them to, but I can't get the timing right for some reason...
Here's the code:
{{ This program requires a DEM16217 SYH-LY LCD panel (16x2 characters) }} CON _clkmode = RCFAST VAR byte HUBRAM_DIPSWITCH_VALUE_ADDRESS 'declare the byte of hub ram where we'll store the bits from the dipswitches PUB Main 'coginit(0, @, 0) coginit(0, @LCDPanel_4Bit_Init, 0) 'do cog 0 last otherwise the other cogs won't get assigned DAT org 0 LCDPanel_4Bit_Init '------------------------- 'propeller pins used to control the LCD panel need to be configured as outputs mov dira, #%1_1_1111 'E pin, RS pin and the 4 data bits all as outputs andn outa, #%1_1_1111 'clear out LCD panel pins or outa, #%1_0_0000 'raise E pin ready for data transfer mov time, cnt add time, #9 waitcnt time, POWER_ON_DELAY '[COLOR="red"][B]<-------- PROBLEM HERE[/B][/COLOR] 'FUNCTION SET... or outa, #%0_0_0010 'set 4 bit comms mode andn outa, #%1_0_0000 'clear E pin to clock in data or outa, #%1_0_0000 'raise E pin again or outa, #%0_0_0010 'hard coded as per datasheet andn outa, #%1_0_0000 'clear E pin to clock in data or outa, #%1_0_0000 'raise E pin again or outa, #%0_0_1100 '2 line mode and 5x11 font andn outa, #%1_0_0000 'clear E pin to clock in data or outa, #%1_0_0000 'raise E pin again waitcnt time, FUNCTION_SET_DELAY :donothing waitcnt time, LONG_WAIT jmp #:donothing 'for delay timings please see the datasheet for the DEM16217 LCD panel ("4 bit interface mode" initialisation info) POWER_ON_DELAY long 500000 FUNCTION_SET_DELAY long 600 DISPLAY_CONTROL_DELAY long 600 DISPLAY_CLEAR_DELAY long 28_000 ENTRY_MODE_DELAY long 28_000 LONG_WAIT long 1000_000 LCD_RS_Pin long |< 4 LCD_E_Pin long |< 5 time res 1 fit
I want to make an 80 millisecond delay at the line indicated above. But no matter what value I set POWER_ON_DELAY to, the delay is always 1.3333 microseconds according to the Logic probe output.
I'm sure I'm missing out an obvious step somewhere, but I can't figure this out.
Like me, tried the example right out of the prop manual looks like. Min delay assures that the wait will not be missed I guess and then it does a very short wait and adds the offset for the next time around. But that does not get any real treatment in the example. Personally, after I figured this one out from the instructions description, I just added my delay to the time value after getting the current count value. I don't at this point see a reason to use the offset added after the wait, so I simply used #0 for the offset. Perhaps if I put this instruction inside a loop after initializing the count before entry I would use the offset, but otherwise I don't see the value of adding an offset if you are going to get the cnt value, add a delay value to it, wait and add offset after wait, and do it all again (wiping out the post wait added offset).
If I missed something important in my reasoning here, I am sure someone will point it out.
Yes I did literally lift my waitcnt straight out of the manual (which I'm increasingly of the opinion is too brief in most of it's information). Weirdly enough it seems like I've only ever used it in loops before (I've written probably half a dozen small programs so far) and so never really understood how waitcnt was intended to be used.
I'll try out your suggestions tonight.
I appreciate your help and friendly explanation - this forum rocks
By example I was referring to the prop manual example early in the PASM chapter. You have done the same thing it took me a couple hours to figure out from that example and the waitcnt description. While the truth tables are nice addition for some instructions, here a commented example would have made it clearer for me. As to the OP (assume you mean original post), I saw the waitcnt following the function structure, and had to think about the results of it being that way with no add before the second one, your note pointing it out got me to see what had been done. Neat trick for the tool bag! So he does not have to reacquire the cnt into time and do the add etc. just rely on the added offset at that point. With a delay of 600, should give him about 554 clocks of delay at that waitcnt and 600 at the end of the first loop to donothing and followed forever by waits of 1M counts If I understand the flow here.
Well whatever, I'm not really complaining too much, the platform still kicks Arduino's butt