Best way to store lead screw position data when power is off??
I'm hard at work on a positioning system for a project and want to add "memory channels" to the device so that I can return to the same spot in the future... Whats the best way to do this with the prop?? I'm looking at maybe 30-40 locations holding values in the zero to maybe 800 range or so..
I could supply 12vdc ALL the time if needed to keep the data alive.. In relation to the Prop speed the memory locations will hardly ever be accessed/written to.
SD card?? EEPROM?? What's the hot ticket here?
Thanks, Mike B.
I could supply 12vdc ALL the time if needed to keep the data alive.. In relation to the Prop speed the memory locations will hardly ever be accessed/written to.
SD card?? EEPROM?? What's the hot ticket here?
Thanks, Mike B.
There are several I2C objects in the OBEX.
Since your values are up to 800, you will need to store in "long values"...
If this is what you are after and you are not sure about the I2C object to use and how to use it then just ask, it's quite easy.
How often will these "memories" need to be updated? There is a limit as to how many times you can update a EEPROM location (minimum 1 million times or so).
Ok thanks to all who replied..
This situation is very much like the "Buttons" on your car radio. Once you set the station you seldom need to update/change them. Your last statement about the write limits is exactly why I posted this question. At 1 million times, I guess it is unlikely I will EVER wear out the chip.. lol.. This app is very simple in that all it has to do is run a motor controller to move a lead screw once in a while and track the pulses generated by the lead screw rotating and display the number on a 2 X 16 serial LCD. The other task is to store/manage the "stations" memory values. That's pretty much it.
Thanks.. Mike B.