What is the "most official" object for controlling servos?

I am currently working on a project that requires the use of objects that are either heavily documented, used as the demo object for a Parallax product, or are supplied with the Propeller Tool to make it easier for someone to duplicate the project, even if they have no Propeller experience.
However, I have come to a point where I can't decide which Servo Control Object should be used. Here are the two that I am considering and the pros/cons for each as compared to my previously mentioned requirements.
Kye's Dual Servo Engine
Pros: Clean, simple, single spin file, no PASM.
Cons: Demo needs more details, formatting cleanup, not "official"
Beau's Servo32v7
Pros: Parallax Authored, heavily commented demo, includes theory of operation, single spin file if ramping is not used
Cons: Requires 2 spin files, also uses PASM
Any feedback would be appreciated.
However, I have come to a point where I can't decide which Servo Control Object should be used. Here are the two that I am considering and the pros/cons for each as compared to my previously mentioned requirements.
Kye's Dual Servo Engine
Pros: Clean, simple, single spin file, no PASM.
Cons: Demo needs more details, formatting cleanup, not "official"
Beau's Servo32v7
Pros: Parallax Authored, heavily commented demo, includes theory of operation, single spin file if ramping is not used
Cons: Requires 2 spin files, also uses PASM
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Are you aware Beau's Servo32v7 is part of the Propeller Tool's library (v1.3)?
I think it would be impressive for newcomer to realize the Propeller can control 32 servos at once. I confess to not having tried Kye's Dual Servo Engine so I don't know how it compares with Servo32v7.
I used Jon's file the other day just to get familiar with my PPDB and it took only microseconds to get it up and running. Even I could make this work right out of the box and that's saying a lot..
Mike B.
Here is a link to the thread http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?133372-Ken-s-QuadCopter-Build-Log-(now-includes-videos)/page7 see post #250.