Too many top-level forums?
Are there too many top-level forums? Does this cause concern to the intrepid forumista when they're trying desperately to keep up with the hubbub going down on these wide-open forums? I've heard some concern on this subject matter from others, and the moderator monkeys also desired less territory in their habitat.
I'm looking for suggestions; if you'd like to offer an assist, now is the time and we'd be appreciative.
No that's not true, PropScope was requested to change; it will become a new forum called 'Test Equipment' which would be open to logic analyzers and other such test equipment. Less specialized, more broad.
Wireless could become 'Wireless & Communication', and we could add prefixes to both that forum and Sensors for different types of programming languages. But that would cause some ambiguity and confusion.
I also have requests for other sub-forums, such as 'Renewable Energy'.
I'm looking for suggestions; if you'd like to offer an assist, now is the time and we'd be appreciative.
- General Discussion (maybe a name change?)
- Sandbox (Chatterbox)
- Propeller Chip
- Propeller Meet-up
- Spinneret Topics
- BASIC Stamp
- Education (Stamps in Class)
- Robotics
- Projects
- Completed Projects
- Builders
- Classifieds
No that's not true, PropScope was requested to change; it will become a new forum called 'Test Equipment' which would be open to logic analyzers and other such test equipment. Less specialized, more broad.
Wireless could become 'Wireless & Communication', and we could add prefixes to both that forum and Sensors for different types of programming languages. But that would cause some ambiguity and confusion.
I also have requests for other sub-forums, such as 'Renewable Energy'.
I'm all for a little renaming. Like "propscope" to "test equipment" if the title is a little limiting.
Personally I'm not very keen on the whole sub-forum structure either. It tends to hide more than it does to help.
"I was looking for the.. oh it's gone, where do I go now?"
The other way, with regards to breaking down the structure is to merge the forums; however some subjects just don't blend and the currently separated content would sashay unhappily.
Seeking ideas, because there might be more forums getting added... yay?
How about something more generic: Power Sources or Energy the Li-Ion boards and other power sources (flux capacitors) on the drawing board have a place?
...and of course, there will need to be an "Airframes" forum
Yes, 'energy' or 'energy sources' (something along those lines) would maintain the concept behind general topics vs very rigid specialized forums; that's a fantastic suggestion.
If people want subcatgories, they should be encouraged to use the tag feature when they post.
Basic Stamp
I think that everything could be placed in just the above.
I have occasionally went into a forum and clicked on a random page just to revisit some old threads. For example, I clicked on the Page 11 button in the Propeller forum and caught the thread for the announcement of the PropGFX binary release and remembered that I hadn't made my PropGFX stackup out of my M44D40+ modules like I was wanting to.
.....Thanks for the link Phil! That's what I needed for my Blackberry and Nook to save me a couple clicks.
Could you repeat the question?
Maybe people would take notice of other forums if they didn't have to go to the herculean effort of pressing Page Down, the equivalent of cleaning the Augean stables, to find them ("Oh, bother.")
Many aren't concerned with anything "below the fold" as we used to say in the newspaper days.
Leave a good thing alone.( The forums )
Work on the Hardware end or the lack there of.
Actually I was pondering the opposite. It seems that the Propeller might actually do better if we had more forums that were language specific - C, Forth, PropBasic, Spin. You really don't want to unintentionally rebuff the new user as you loose more new users. Some of the Forums may seem too advanced and too high minded for new people to feel comfortable in asking for help.
Why don't we have a 'Getting Started' Forum? Many websites do so.
I kind of think that Parallax Semiconductor should be a separate entity altogether and moved to its own forum connected directly from the Parallax Semiconductor web site.
Also I think something like this would be a good idea, maybe the wording could indicate a new thread would be a better idea, I don't know.
To me there are too many forums in General Forums though ... for example Test Forum could be moved somewhere else. Also I keep seeing some threads pop to the top of forums that are not even related to the forum ... especially in Robotics.
I agree completely on this point.
IMHO the General Discussion and Propeller forums should remain as they are. Both have a healthy amount of activity. I don't really care if General Discussion is renamed to Sandbox or Chatterbox, but I see no reason or gain by doing so.
The Robotics, Sensors, and Wireless forums could be combined into a single forum called.....wait for it...... Robotics, Sensors, and Wireless since a number of sensor and wireless postings are often related to use on robots, and some wireless postings are related to communications with remote sensors.
If you take a broader view of what constitutes a robot a lot of the other projects that use sensors and wireless like home automation and remote monitoring/controls could also be considered a form of robotics.
Education and Basic Stamp could also be combined into a single forum.
Completed Projects should probably remain a separate forum.
But please....No sub-forums!