What project(s) to finish before Doomsday 2012?
What projects do you want have completed before the end of the world December 21, 2012? List here and see if you finish by doomsday, so the post apocalypse survivors and/or archeologist space aliens can marvel at your determiniation and enginuity.
Unfortunately, management often makes wrong decisions when evaluating the work to be done and the time available. Instead of determining that there is more work than can reasonably be done in the time available, the decision is made to "work harder" and some how cram 10 pounds of work into a 5 pound calendar time frame. Rather than come to the conclusion, "there isn't enough time, let's do something else profitable", the decision is made to "do it anyway". The outcome is usually failure to meet the deadline, and poor quality output (non conformance to requirements due to "skipping steps"); and an unlimited support nightmare for the entire life of the product.
The resulting stress from such a poor decision can actually lead to death of employees at worst, and a very least results in unnecessary stress and tension on the organization in general.
As we all have heard, the world will end with the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012. In this case it is a literal deadline, everybody everywhere is supposed to die on or shortly after the stated date.
Allowing for several weeks at the end where cizilization deteriorates into mass riots, violence and cannibalism; we can estimate we have about one usable year to complete projects before the dealine.
What projects do you want have comepleted before the end of the world? List here and see if you finish by doomsday, so the post apocalypse survivors and/or archeologist space aliens can marvel at your determiniation and enginuity.
y = tan x
x is our time line
y represents the current population
then x is about to reach 270 deg?
the dinosaurs had trouble at 90 deg .... hmmm
My theory is that the Mayan calender ends because they ran out of tablet due one of two scenarios:
1) Let's stop here at December 12, 2012 because we probably won't be around much longer since there are Spanish ships on the horizon, 'cuz we all heard about the Aztecs!
2) It actually went on much longer but they needed the tablet with the remainder (post 12/12/2012 dates) for some other more pressing short term project. A management decision was made to reassign resources.
I've set my Time Machine beta testing deadline for July 2012. One concern I have is that the time dilation control and monitoring system has been designed around the Propeller II......I'm hopeful, but I really don't want to redesign my Time Machine as an Arduino shield!
You are starting to worry me that the world might end before I get a chance see a Prop II blinking a LED from some GCC compiled code I have written.
Is there any chance we can pick up where the Mayans left off and calculate their calandar a bit further out into the future?
Perhaps we should create a Spin program for the Prop I to do that.
So it may have already happened then!?
Then there was the actual critical day when the sixteen bit value for seconds from January 1 1970 (or something) rolled over and all the financial houses lost data, wasn't this Thursday November 26, 1987? Were the people who got burned from NOT performing proper maintenance the same "experts" that predicted the world would end in 1999? The list of critical days that had actual significance was a very short list as I recall.
Don't think of it as the end of a world....but a new beginning!!
If you were a trilobite, that is.
Given the track record for EOTW prophets so far, I'm not losing sleep over it! Someone once said that to find a reasonable(?) date for TEOTW, take a calendar and mark all the EOTW dates on it. Then take and make your mark in one of the empty dates...
My daughter's birthday is December 21 - should I give here her presents on the 20th?
Great list Whit. I think the prediction of 5,000,000,000 - c. by scientists is the safest one.
This President of Yale University foresaw the Millennium starting by 2000.
I'm taking taking a positive approach and updating my daily affirmation: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, people like me and doggone it, the world isn't going to end today!"
It would... if it weren't for the fact the bottom of the cliff is already stacked so high with other victims.
I think what Professor Braino was referring to was the Mayan calendar thing.
My kids' school calendar ends before that, so I'm not sure why everyone is fixated on the Mayans when everyone knows the world goes crazy the day school lets out.
Well, shoot. It's already October 27. Another wrong one. How many thousand wrong ones does that make?
How about a propeller driven world time clock so once it starts, you can track it through several time zones?
Which leads to an important questions is EOTW going to be relative to local time (as in a sweeping apocalypse) or will it be GMT as in an instantaneous event. I guess that could factor into the time zone issue with the clock.
I need some better requirements gathering before I start designing.
So true.
I'm designing an End of the World Alarm Clock, which gives you a 1 hour notice that the world is about to end.
Money back guarantee if the thing doesn't work.
Mayans get 10% off while supplies last.
Hey, thanks for the link.
Uh, oh. There's only five dates left in the "future" table.