What ever became of the "Beginners forum"?
Is old age fogging my memory or wasn't there talk at one time of starting a noob forum?
I have always gotten the help I needed on this forum but feel a bit guilty sometimes bothering the "brains" on here for really basic stuff. Only once did I get "slapped down" when asking for some help but if we had a "totally without a clue" forum maybe more newcomers to the Prop would jump in and ask questions which they might be embarrassed to ask otherwise..
There are a lot of assumptions made in the doc files, manuals and the OBEX source code listings (a GREAT resource by the way) that are not at all obvious to the clueless like me.. I'm sure it would take someone with the patience of Job (bible reference) to moderate the forum.
Anyway, just a thought. I have on my fireproof underwear so fire away..
Mike B.
I have always gotten the help I needed on this forum but feel a bit guilty sometimes bothering the "brains" on here for really basic stuff. Only once did I get "slapped down" when asking for some help but if we had a "totally without a clue" forum maybe more newcomers to the Prop would jump in and ask questions which they might be embarrassed to ask otherwise..
There are a lot of assumptions made in the doc files, manuals and the OBEX source code listings (a GREAT resource by the way) that are not at all obvious to the clueless like me.. I'm sure it would take someone with the patience of Job (bible reference) to moderate the forum.
Anyway, just a thought. I have on my fireproof underwear so fire away..
Mike B.
Have you tried the stickies?
Great source of information.
Also the parallax semiconductor site has many new application notes that may be technical, but valuable nonetheless.
Wow! Guess I better be careful of what I wish for!! lol.. I have already found / printed out the answer to the very thing that prompted me to make this post in the first place. )I won't tell you what I was having trouble with... LOL).
I can see my printer ink and paper expenses rising by the minute!!
Thanks, I'm off to read, and read, and read etc, etc......
Mike B.,
One of the most important and fundamental aspects of Propeller coding was discovered in the 149th post of Phil's Propeller Tricks 'n Traps, which is the 29th hypertext entry on Chris Savage's sticky, which at first glance seems to deal with HYDRA. It's like King Arthur and Excalibur...only the pure in heart will succeed with the Propeller.