Questions about using Gazbot board with BoeBot
Posts: 33
I have a BOE-BOT with the BS2 stamp. I have been desperately trying to connect my Gazbot IR to the board, however I cannot figure out the which of the 3 wires coming out do what. Anybody with any info would be a huge help!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Most people here have no idea what a Gazbot is. You had sent me this link privately. It shows two switches and their pullups as well as a Sharp IR sensor with its analog output plus an ADC0831 analog to digital converter. That's more than 3 wires. What 3 wires are you talking about? In general, you will get better suggestions and answers if you provide more information and have clearly stated and relatively detailed questions. I've already given you a list of relevant Parallax documentation. You had said that you've looked at it in the past. You might reference the specific sections (like in Robotics for the BoeBot and Basic Analog and Digital) that apply to what you have and your questions about that so there's a reference point for any suggestions or discussion.
You might also change your thread title to something more meaningful so that others will understand the specific problem you're having. You can use the "Edit Post" button on the 1st post to edit the thread title.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
'pin 10 = ir led
'pin 9 = vout of ir detector
'pin 8 = normal led
time VAR BIT
FREQOUT 10,10,38000
RCTIME 9, 1, time
DEBUG ? time
IF time = 1 THEN ledon
IF time = 0 THEN main
GOTO main
Im interested mainly in the Pins that were declared at the top
pin 10 = ir led
pin 9 = vout of ir detector
does these two pin declarations mean that they are two that lead from the IR sensor and the third wire is potentially a "ground" since Pins 10 & 9 are giving power to the sensors?
Read the sections of the "BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual" on the HIGH, LOW, FREQOUT, and RCTIME statements (and the other statements used if you want). You'll see that programs use an I/O pin number or a name declared as a PIN. Read that section of the Manual (on PIN) as well.
I edited your thread title per forum guidelines for clarity. If you want it to be different, you can change it as mentioned before.
Once again thank you for your time!