Could you use a study/motivation partner? [Ham Radio Study]

Ken's recent reply in this thread has got me thinking...
There is an item on my bucket list that has been there the longest: Passing my amateur radio exam.
When I first started studying, it required morse code. This has changed.
Is there anyone else here who has the same goal and would like to become a motivation partner in learning and passing the test? We'll steal this thread to post up some accountability about spending some time studying, and toss tricks/etc back and forth.
We can celebrate passing the exam on this thread..
Anyone else want to get this off their list with me?
There is an item on my bucket list that has been there the longest: Passing my amateur radio exam.
When I first started studying, it required morse code. This has changed.
Is there anyone else here who has the same goal and would like to become a motivation partner in learning and passing the test? We'll steal this thread to post up some accountability about spending some time studying, and toss tricks/etc back and forth.
We can celebrate passing the exam on this thread..
Anyone else want to get this off their list with me?
Ironically, I like CW for its purity & efficiency. Plus, I'm a grumpy old guy and "that's the way it was' back in the 1970's when I got my Novice ticket, WN4CIK. Ten years ago when I went to upgrade from Advanced to Extra, I was extremely disappointed that the code requirement had been dropped.
Good luck on your quest, OM. 73's
I passed the Tech exam easily (and Jeff, I have no doubt that you'll fly through it as well). Then they told me I could try for General without having to pay anything extra. Why not? I took it, and passed by the skin of my teeth, without having studied for it at all (and Jeff, I'll bet you could go right to General as well).
BTW, even though Amazon has the "same" book for less, don't buy it from them. It's not the latest edition and does not include the current pool of exam questions.
Here's where you can find an exam session near where you live:
I want to join you. I noted the walkie talkies I purchased a few years ago at Sam's Club stated the radios required a technician's license to use.
I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one buying them (and using them) who didn't have a license.
Anyone know what kind of license I need to send a radio up in a weather balloon?
I'm off to buy the book.
Edit: I just purchased the book. $40.45 shipped.
You may want to study up on all three levels. If you pass the technician test you can take the general test, and if you pass that you can take the extra test -- all on the same day. I only studied for the technician test, but I passed the general test also. I missed passing the extra test by one question.
You've been putting this off for awhile, haven't you?
I image a lot depends on the transmission frequency and power?
I've been thinking about this for a few years now. Thanks Jeff for getting me to take some action.
A Technician Class license is all you need for that, but you will be restricted by frequency and power. See this:
After I got my Novice license, I used the tape recorder to automate my CQ call. I recorded a minute of "CQ CQ CQ de WA4CIK" from my hand-keyed oscillator, and played that audio back through a bridge rectifier & filter, to drive a relay which keyed my trusty Heathkit DX-60B.
Your on! Just ordered the same book. Amazon Prime $29.95 (shipped)
(Double checked ISBN, right book. Yes there are a bunch of the old copies up there, cheaper.)
Anyone else want to join the fun?
Maybe they should now require ASCII and EBDIC.
I'd love to get a license, but being in Taiwan creates a real barrier to doing so. Even if I got the US license, I doubt I'd be allowed to use it here.
I don't think that Taiwan can issue internationally recognised licenses, which could cause problems, and there are difficulties operating there with foreign licenses.
I wouldn't worry too much about the internationally recognized aspect. It is the local national police that I care not to upset.
Lets see, is that .. Dit-dah; Dah-dit-dit-dit..... can't get to C quite yet. 25 Characters per minute should be possible though.. eventually.
Needing some sort of external motivation or pressure is something I can identify with. After 10 years on the fringe of Ham Radio, what finally pushed me over the threshold was a solo sail to Hawaii. An uncle of mine, an Extra Class ham, offered to keep in touch with me. Once I had a compelling reason, the ticket took no time to obtain.
Seriously - if you could figure out a way to modulate one of those suckers...
Do you know when the next test is in your area?
I used the link Phil provided and found this.
I'm not sure if I want to take it this soon or not.
I guess, I'll wait to see how hard the material is I need to learn.
Do you have a time in mind when you'd like to take the test?
Book arrived today.. Sweet! I'll be working on section 1 this weekend.
I haven't found the test locations/dates yet. Perhaps they are listed on the website.
Looks like the time-frame for this should be about 1 month.
So are you planning on taking the test on Nov. 10?
I haven't received my book yet. I'm not so sure if I want to try to be ready by Nov. 12 myself. I think I need to take a look at the book before I commit to trying to be ready for the test in a month.
How goes the studying?
I picked my book back up today to read the first chapter (not done with it yet). My test (if I choose to take it) is on the 12th but your is tomorrow.
Are you going to take this test or wait for the next one? I haven't decided myself.
The extra study time won't hurt me.. I'm still a little baffled by antenna theory.
Mores code...much better then text.