Propeller Controlled VHF/UHF Handie Talkie Anyone?
Check out this chip!
It is currently being used in the Baofeng UV-3R
Any takers? This could be a fun project, but larger than I have time and skills for alone.
Let me know if you are interested!
Thanks, KK7TJ
It is currently being used in the Baofeng UV-3R
Any takers? This could be a fun project, but larger than I have time and skills for alone.
Let me know if you are interested!
Thanks, KK7TJ
This seems like a nice chip. I didnt give my info so no datasheet. Do you know the chips price? Sadly, I am flat out with other prop projects and I havent been on air since about 1976.
Lots of fun with that simple little project.
Ken Gracey
Your design looks like you are interfacing with existing HT's. The project I am suggesting is to effectively create an HT from a propeller and this chip (and a few support parts of course).
I don't yet have a price for the chip, but an entire HT built on this chip (Baofeng UV-3r) is only $45 including shipping.
The datasheet was entertaining, but a bit light on the electronics... mostly info on interfacing a MCU via the bus. I assume they have additional info if you ask. I gave them my contact info and signed up for their free samples (5 chips). We'll see!
Will be interested to see what price the chips are.