Hamfests, a hidden secret?
I went to a tiny hamfest this weekend in NYC, my first. I wish I knew about them a long time ago. Picked up an air compressor, 5 W solar panel, UHF handheld, a bunch of components I needed, and a like new 20 MHz Fluke Scopemeter ($220!). Everthing was less than $300. Anybody know of more hamfests in the NE region?

Here's a link you can use to find more hamfests in your area:
Thanks for the link Phil
All kinds of events here in Florida
That is near enough to Silicon Valley to have some seriously interesting stuff. I used to go to the Foothill College Ham Swap meets during the summer months and they were sublime. But alas, I now have to import my toys to Taiwan.
The above link has Swap Meets, not Hamfests. These are also very excellent. I see that the Foothill College Swap Meet has one more Saturday in October and then is finished for the year. Great stuff of every kind - audio, test equipment, radio, antique radio, computers....
Jay was this the one, that has the Hall of Science in the background? It turns out that's one that travels in pairs, next one is in March of next year. At one of those I picked up a pile of terminals that TI stuffed into calculator containers for their 16bit processor that we now know as the thing behind the TI99/4a. And a Z80 system that runs 8K BASIC. it was a gizmo that then HP made for running certain types of lab gear. But, ah, some brave soul stuffed those chips into it.
And a pile of boards that someone claimed belonged to a tape drive. I now believe they were used for a PDP-11. Had I known that I wouldn't have pulled them apart.
I did see plenty of HAM gear around, but at the time I didn't have the room or the inclination to do something of a sort. I still have the interest, but no room worse luck.
I did my ham test there. Man those were FUN times .
It wasI a religouis exodos we get up at 5 AM to haul on the road to the beach . Often I would spend the whole day there ..
After the SPM its was time ti Hit up Frys . And see what deals they had ....
I never left TRW with out a load of something . I did the swapmeets for 8 years ,, I knew lots of the vendors . it was as much as buying as it was chatting with people .
* crys* I miss the TRW swap meet ... Iowa has bubkis for things like that ..
So what is it? Please buy, my wife says "Not In My Garage" to all my HAM junk.
Yes, hamfests are great. I went to a local one this past weekend. I am always looking for micro-controller / robot parts at them. I got lots of electrical / electronics piece parts, 12 V batteries, 3 LCD monitors and a non-functioning Roomba Discovery robot vacuum. I will try to get the Roomba working, if that's not possible I will use it for parts.
There were a lot of other things, but I thing the best deal of all was that I bought a lifetime subscription to Nuts n Volts for $60USD when it was starting out in tabloid form.
It seemed that every time I went, I made money.