opcodes for movi
I was recently frustrated by trying to get the correct opcode information to use in a MOVI instruction so I built the following table:
I am finding having this around is rather usefull. I hope is usefull to others.
I was recently frustrated by trying to get the correct opcode information to use in a MOVI instruction so I built the following table:
{{opcodeconstants.spin is a table of opcodes that can be used in conjunction with the MOVI command for self modifing code. This table can be cut and pasted into the spin code for a PASM object or used with the file include function of bst. }} CON a_ABS = $151 a_ABSNEG = $159 a_ADD = $101 a_ADDABS = $111 a_ADDS = $1a1 a_ADDSX = $1b1 a_AND = $0c1 a_ANDN = $0c9 a_call = $0b9 a_CMP = $108 a_CMPSUB = $1c1 A_CMPSX = $188 a_CMPX = $198 a_DJNZ = $1c9 A_HUBOP = $018 a_JMP = $0b8 a_jmpret = $0b9 A_LOCKCLR = $018 A_LOCKNEW = $019 A_LOCKRET = $018 A_LOCKSET = $018 A_MAX = $099 A_MAXS = $089 A_MIN = $091 A_MINS = $081 A_MOV = $141 A_MOVD = $0a9 A_MOVI = $0b1 A_MOVS = $0a1 A_MUXC = $0e1 A_MUXNC = $0e9 A_MUXNZ = $0f9 A_MUXZ = $0f1 A_NEG = $149 A_NEGC = $161 A_NEGNC = $169 A_NEGNZ = $179 A_NOP = $000 A_OR = $0d1 A_RCL = $069 A_RCR = $061 A_RDBYTE = $001 A_RDLONG = $011 A_RDWORD = $009 A_RET = $0b8 A_REV = $079 A_ROL = $049 A_ROR = $041 A_SAR = $071 A_SHL = $059 A_SHR = $051 A_SUB = $109 A_SUBABS = $119 A_SUBS = $1a9 A_SUBSX = $1b9 A_SUBX = $199 A_SUMC = $121 A_SUMNC = $129 A_SUMNZ = $139 A_TEST = $0c0 A_TJNZ = $1d0 A_TJZ = $1d8 A_WAITCNT = $1f1 A_WAITPEQ = $1e0 A_WAITPNE = $1e8 A_WAITVID = $1f8 A_WRBYTE = $000 A_WRLONG = $010 A_WRWORD = $008 A_XOR = $0d9 { if you add the following to any of the commands you create wc,wz wcwz } A_WC = 2 A_WZ = 4 A_WCWZ = 6 { example mov tmp1,A_cmp add tmp1,A_wcwz movi loop,tmp1}opcodeconstants.spin
I am finding having this around is rather usefull. I hope is usefull to others.