Propstick USB problems
Are there any tricks to the propstick USB?
I have 2 of them, but neither want to play nicely.
I am using them on a breadboard to drive a vga display. I am using the VGAHiResTextGUI demo.
One of them will start and run about 1 in 5, sometimes it half starts with the video breaking up.
When it finally starts it seems stable.
The other just get hot
I have quadruple checked the power supply, I have the following connected.
Vin12, 5v reg
Vss 9 , gnd
Vss 10, gnd
Vss 29, gnd
P16- P27 to a Parallax VGA PS2 adapter.
I have nice short jumpers to the VGA, only 2.5cm.
I have tried putting bypass caps on the supply and even a pullup resistor to VDD on the reset pin.
No joy.
Are there any tricks to the propstick USB?
I have 2 of them, but neither want to play nicely.
I am using them on a breadboard to drive a vga display. I am using the VGAHiResTextGUI demo.
One of them will start and run about 1 in 5, sometimes it half starts with the video breaking up.
When it finally starts it seems stable.
The other just get hot

I have quadruple checked the power supply, I have the following connected.
Vin12, 5v reg
Vss 9 , gnd
Vss 10, gnd
Vss 29, gnd
P16- P27 to a Parallax VGA PS2 adapter.
I have nice short jumpers to the VGA, only 2.5cm.
I have tried putting bypass caps on the supply and even a pullup resistor to VDD on the reset pin.
No joy.
Not sure about the one getting hot. Has it been used before or is it brand new?
I am surprised that the regulator is warm only driving a vga adapter. I have checked the supply again, 5.29v with a Fluke DVM.
Remember, even though the PropStick is powered from 5V the Propeller is itself running on 3.3V. Any signals from the external hardware could be driving the prop pins to voltages higher than 3.3V which can be fatal. Not good!
Of interest, I can get some of the video demos to run, my own project that has a vga display will not even boot. It seems very fussy re the type of display!
I expect it is borderline unstable, not sure what else to check....
The one that can be programed seems to program fine, I programed it 5 times in a row to ram.
When it boots to run the GUIDemo from the obex, it only shows a picture about 1 in 10, other times it is blank or broken up video. GUIDemo works 100% on my ProtoUSB.
My own program which used a VGA display, never shows a picture on the propstick but is 100% on my ProtoUSB.
I have tried different objects, the GUIDemo and my own project which uses a different display object. GUIDemo is intermittent starting or breaking up, my own project which runs fine on the same monitor and kb wont even show a picture.
I have programmed the eeprom and did not have a problem. I have even used it to run a serial only project but come to think of it, I was getting some freezes, hangs but at the time put it down to other problems.
Seems like the osc is unstable...
Even when the vga display is broken up, the program is running, I can see it updating the screen between flashes.
My setup is, a propstickusb plugged into a bread board with the parallax vga/ps2 adapter connected via 1.5cm jumpers. I am feeding it 5v and the rails look ok.
Not sure what else to check, can anyone else mock this up?
Its not just one video object that does not work, at least 2 different ones either are intermittent or simply don't go. I tested the exact same code on a quickstart on a veroboard to the vga adaptor and it works fine as well on all of the objects. For some reason, the 2 propstickusb's that I have are either faulty or very fussy. At the moment they are useless, they only seem to want to work for things that are not time sensitive. I have swapped the crystal so the problem does not seem to be that.
Can I send the back to get them tested?
Before we have you send them back, is it possible to get a photo of the board/setup you have these on with the video interface? My concern is that the problem is intermittent. Typically if it was something on the Propeller chip it should either work or not on a timing sensitive application such as this. I would like to rule everything else out before having you ship them in.
I will do tonight, 8 hours away...
It is a bit hard for me to call with the time diff etc, is there an email contact I can use?
best regards
1. Does the one getting warm do so all by itself with only the power supply attached? If so that stick would be a 99% probable failure (my opinion of course..)
2. There was it seems to me a thread not far back regarding a failure of some of these to function properly due to missing ground connections between the QFN pkg Prop and the prop stick. Maybe aug. No way to tell w/o some way to fluoro (x-ray inspection) the board though......
FWIW I would have asked for an RA on the self heating one fairly quickly. Run the next one you get in through the pre-flight checks similar to those of the 40 pin PE-kit unit. Won't eliminate flakes, but will weed out DOA parts.
From memory it does, I will double check though.
This problem is a bit unusual, I also have Quickstart and the protousb and both have been totally reliable and stable, running fine with all sorts of dodgy wiring. As soon as I try to do it neatly it turns to poop.
The breadboard is the last step before I do a circuit board design, I was trying to simplify things and use the propstickusb for the prop and support chips and my own board for the custom circuitry.
I take it that my experience is not typical, maybe a bad batch or just unlucky.
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