Spin Zone -Sept. Nuts&Volts issue-Servo help
Hello All...
I've been playing with the servo control concept from this article in N&V mag.
This code is not working for me? All I get from the PST is "Low-speed wag"
(I'm using the PropProDEV Board here.)
I'm confused with the OEn = 27 statement? "Line 33"
What is " HC-8+" ???
I took the article as saying that an external servo controller was not needed? But could be used if needed.
I really like this approach at dealing with servos. And I really want to learn this concept.
I don't write in spin. But I can understand what the spin code is doing.
I don't ask for help very Afton, But I'm struggling here!
I really want to convert this to Propbasic. But i need to understand the Spin first. And have a working spin code to make this happen
Thanks for any help here.
I've been playing with the servo control concept from this article in N&V mag.
This code is not working for me? All I get from the PST is "Low-speed wag"
(I'm using the PropProDEV Board here.)
I'm confused with the OEn = 27 statement? "Line 33"
What is " HC-8+" ???
I took the article as saying that an external servo controller was not needed? But could be used if needed.
I really like this approach at dealing with servos. And I really want to learn this concept.
I don't write in spin. But I can understand what the spin code is doing.
I don't ask for help very Afton, But I'm struggling here!
I really want to convert this to Propbasic. But i need to understand the Spin first. And have a working spin code to make this happen
Thanks for any help here.

Are you being impatient? "Low speed" is really slow and if you don't have your servo marked you may not notice it moving.
That said, I have made (small) updates and changed the name of the driver since I wrote that article; attached is the updated driver and a demo that removes the references to the HC-8+. As I type there is a servo connected to my PPDB wagging back and forth. You might want to check your servo voltage jumper on the PPDB; I have mine set to Vdd. If yours is set to V_EXT and there's no external voltage then the servo(s) won't do anything.
I've been using this driver in a lot of projects -- including a beta HC-8+ that is running inside a prop in the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland (controls a few elements of the gingerbread house in the ballroom).
"The OEn (output enable) pin only pertains to the HC-8+, a new Propeller-based controller coming from EFX-TEK (not released yet); you can remove these references."
I was being impatient, The servos ran so smooth, so quiet, and so slow I didn't notice they were moving until I spotted them from a fixed point.
I have to say I have never seen a servo run this smooth and quiet.
Do you have a release date for the EFX-TEK...HC-8+?
Of course, I kid. Honestly, I had to look, too, just to make sure my servo was moving.
In a perfect world the HC-8+ would be out by now but we're getting close. As I said, Disneyland and a few other close customers have them in the field; so far so good and we'll move to production before the Christmas season. The board has RS-485 IO, a DMX switch, and eight, high-current outputs so it should be fun to use around the Christmas season.