Spin Stamp questions (And there are many of those.)

Hello group!
Okay so once again I am looking at the Spin Stamp as an easy means of making use of the propeller design for (wait for it) easy prototyping. These are arranged as described from the PDF there:
Pin Name Description
1 SOUT Connection details not available at this time.
2 SIN Connection details not available at this time.
3 ATN Connection details not available at this time
And then the Prop Clip goes on the right hand end of the unit. This was deduced from the larger image photo from the main page for this unit http://www.parallax.com/Store/Microcontrollers/PropellerDevelopmentBoards/tabid/514/CategoryID/73/List/0/SortField/0/catpageindex/2/Level/a/ProductID/448/Default.aspx
Question! I have from Sparkfun a breakout board for the exact FTDI chip used on the prop clip, described here http://www.sparkfun.com/products/718
Instead of using the Prop Clip, since the voltages are the same at 3.3v in and out? That would be attached to the ones marked as above.
As for why I am considering the Spin Stamp when I already have a Proto Prop USB board, that will come up later in this thread.
John Abshier