Even making chips out of wood now. 555 foot stool
Posts: 2,307
I'm surprised that Erco hasn't seen this yet (or built one yet) but I thought this link was pretty cool:
I have seen molar chairs at the dentist office . but this is just a hoot .
Lets see if some sneaky mind at parallax will use there laser and have some fun in the shop .
Pokes Matt G ..
Yes, a 40-pin DIP version of the Propeller would be cool. It would make a perfect coffee table for Parallax HQ...
I have in my head a Brdge REc bar stool .. Ya know those 1Amp round recs . EMT conduit and Yes Erco WOOD!
and Mylar film caps as bed pillows..
sans leads..
bread board comforters ..
doorknob Caps as real door knobs .
electrolytic trash cans ..
gosh this s geting sick ......
Mr OHM is done ! ..
now for a Cermaic cap . 103 and a poly cap ..
This is too much fun ...
and yes I have IN there a 2.2 K . not wired but floating in there just for fun .
Ouch, that might make for an unexpected pain in the neck some day...
I just wish it had a giant current limiting resistor to go with it. Of course ideally the giant 555 could flash the giant LED.
Same. No matter what "wow!" electronics projects I produce she only wants to know if I can give her a hand in the garden.
And a giant 100mm LED (using a wooden blank for th mold). Given all the wood being used, does some form of log law apply?