PropBasic Confusion?
I try to attach a MDOG LCD to a C3 Board.
I wrote the following init code:

Why? 920 longs -> too much for cog memory?
273 lines of code? no, spin file has 391 lines?
BTW what does the speed param mean in shiftout? MCLK time?
I try to attach a MDOG LCD to a C3 Board.
I wrote the following init code:
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' File...... C3_SPI.pbas ' Author.... fgvissel 28.09.2011 ' for C3 Board with 6,26 MHz X-tal ' ====================================================================== ' ----- Device Settings ------------------------------------------------ DEVICE P8X32A, XTAL1, PLL16X XIN 6_250_000 ' ----- Conditional Compilation Symbols -------------------------------- ' ----- Constants ------------------------------------------------------ ' ----- IO Pins -------------------------------------------------------- PSI_CLR Pin 25 High PSI_CLK Pin 8 High RS Pin 10 Output MOSI Pin 9 Output MCLK Pin 11 Output ' ----- Shared (HUB) Variables (Byte, Word, Long) ---------------------- ' ----- User Data (DATA, WDATA, LDATA, FILE) --------------------------- ' ----- TASK Definitions ----------------------------------------------- ' ----- Local Variables (LONG only) ------------------------------------ channel var long ' ----- SUB and FUNC Definitions --------------------------------------- DelayMS SUB 1 DelayUS SUB 1 ' ====================================================================== PROGRAM Start Start: low PSI_CLR 'reset CS Counter in C3 high PSI_CLR channel = 0 'select S6 device do low PSI_CLK high PSI_CLK inc channel loop until channel = 6 low RS 'Init LCD delayMS 40 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$39 delayUS 27 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$14 delayUS 27 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$55 delayUS 27 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$6D delayUS 27 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$78 delayUS 27 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$38 delayUS 27 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$0F delayUS 27 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$06 delayUS 27 shiftout MOSI, MCLK, MSBFIRST,$41 delayUS 32 high RS Main: ' program code GOTO Main END ' ----- SUB and FUNC Code ---------------------------------------------- SUB delayMS pause __param1 ENDSUB SUB delayUS pauseus __param1 ENDSUB ' ----- TASK Code ------------------------------------------------------ ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------This compiles ok, loading with bstc to the c3 yields:
---------- Download to RAM ---------- Brads Spin Tool Compiler v0.15.3 - Copyright 2008,2009 All rights reserved Compiled for i386 Win32 at 08:17:48 on 2009/07/20 Loading Object C3_SPI Program size is 920 longs Compiled 273 Lines of Code in 0,016 Seconds We found a Propeller Version 1 Propeller Load took 0,654 Seconds Output completed (0 sec consumed) - Normal TerminationProgram runs ok, see LA01 output (BTW The DOG LCD does not init correctly??)

Why? 920 longs -> too much for cog memory?
273 lines of code? no, spin file has 391 lines?
BTW what does the speed param mean in shiftout? MCLK time?
The speed param is the clock speed multiplier.