Really nice USB Stick Propeller Development Board

I stumbled across this site today by searching HackaDay for "propeller" and just had to share it. It is called the Propeller Development Stick.You can get more details on the site and ask questions in his forum, but in a nutshell it is a full Propeller circuit with a USB A connector to plug directly into a USB port. All 32 I/O pins are brought out via stacking style headers and a small 4 pin stacking header gives you access to 5v and 3.3v. The layout is really nice and available for download on his site. He will be making production versions one he finalizes this version.
You know that design is tantalizing close to a "narrow propeller platform". All you would have to do is move the LED next to the usb connector, slide the two connectors toward the PC, and add the 4 power connections inline at the opposite end. Then it would be easy to "adapt" to PP modules using strip board.
Welcome to the forum. Great crowd here, BTW. Maybe you can stick around. I've seen your retro-computing video mod work in the past. Very nicely done.
If not... move it. No worries. I can always score a production version.