Your harmonic series does much better than my successive square-root idea and may actually be the optimum one-extra-bag solution.
I shall have to review some of your "other" ideas [cough, cough]. I do live near the water and get the fresh stuff from time to time. But shrimp season around here overlaps with Dungeness crab season. For Browser, the sound of a crab leg being cracked telegraphs more expected pleasure than the freezer door or the can opener ever could. (He was rescued as a ten-month-old stray wandering Dungeness Spit, so he probably got an early taste.)
Not to worry about the shrimps' wholesomeness. In point of fact, I sneak some for myself -- more than one at a time, too! -- so it doesn't last anywhere near 120 days per bag.
... An internet search showed that human embyos can be frozen in liquid nitrogen for several years, and produce a healthy baby.....
Oh, that reminds me of how I solved my wife's cat-feeding problem. We couldn't keep the fish fresh enough for the cat to be happy, so instead of freezing the fish, I immersed the cat in liquid nitrogen until we got a fresh load of fish in town. Then, to thaw, all I had to do is chunk the cat into the microwave for 3 minutes. (Or was it 30?) Anyway, it worked great. The cat never complained about anything after that. Neither did it pee into my shoes ever again.
OK, now I'm really curious. Does Browser only eat peeled shrimp? Does it have to be de-veined? Does it have to be cooked and served at a precise temperature? Where does Browser go when he/she is outside? Have you noticed an odor of catnip on Browser's breath? Perhaps Browser is hanging out at the docks with other sea-faring cats hoisting a few brews and talking about how well they've trained their "owners".
EDIT: ElectricAye, I just read your post and spewed Diet Coke all over my monitor and keyboard. Excellent post!
As I posted previously (#20) if you start by transferring 19 shrimp on the first transfer, and decrease the quantity by one after each transfer the maximum exposure of any shrimp would be 20, and the ones remaining in the original bag would have a maximum of 15 exposures.
After considering this a second time you could have a maximum of 19 exposures by feeding one of the shrimp to the cat when you do the transfer.
Can anyone do better or come up with an equation for this calculation?
Oh, that reminds me of how I solved my wife's cat-feeding problem. We couldn't keep the fish fresh enough for the cat to be happy, so instead of freezing the fish, I immersed the cat in liquid nitrogen until we got a fresh load of fish in town. Then, to thaw, all I had to do is chunk the cat into the microwave for 3 minutes. (Or was it 30?) Anyway, it worked great. The cat never complained about anything after that. Neither did it pee into my shoes ever again.
I shall have to review some of your "other" ideas [cough, cough]. I do live near the water and get the fresh stuff from time to time. But shrimp season around here overlaps with Dungeness crab season. For Browser, the sound of a crab leg being cracked telegraphs more expected pleasure than the freezer door or the can opener ever could. (He was rescued as a ten-month-old stray wandering Dungeness Spit, so he probably got an early taste.)
Answer 1: Why are you wasting shrimp on a cat. Where's the sauce.
Answer 2: What is the cat doing in the house (sneeze). It should be outside getting the mice away from the grain bins.
Oh, that reminds me of how I solved my wife's cat-feeding problem. We couldn't keep the fish fresh enough for the cat to be happy, so instead of freezing the fish, I immersed the cat in liquid nitrogen until we got a fresh load of fish in town. Then, to thaw, all I had to do is chunk the cat into the microwave for 3 minutes. (Or was it 30?) Anyway, it worked great. The cat never complained about anything after that. Neither did it pee into my shoes ever again.
EDIT: ElectricAye, I just read your post and spewed Diet Coke all over my monitor and keyboard.
yes, yes, an yes.
readz paper (i.e. sniff garbage can an tirez on philz car), lookz for grass to eat so can puke hairballz. dont do drugz.
and phil sez good thing catz cant talk. ha ha. still wish i had oppozible thumz tho.
Watch out for the shrimp,Really high in cholesterol .
Stick with the boneless, skinless, tasteless, chicken.
Easy on the salt too!
After considering this a second time you could have a maximum of 19 exposures by feeding one of the shrimp to the cat when you do the transfer.
Can anyone do better or come up with an equation for this calculation?
Lol, reminds me of an old Hale and Pace classic
Warning: Not appropriate viewing for cat (or microwave) lovers