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SD card with driver fsrw26



  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2011-10-13 05:26
    Here is a photo of my connections to an SD card, I used a home-made adapter PCB. There is a 10k pull-up on nCS, newer cards don't need pull-ups on the other connections. The image of the PCB shows the connections to the Propeller in more detail. The card is a Kingston 2Gb MicroSD card.

    It works very well with the fsrw26 software.
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  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2011-10-13 11:52
    First, remove the cap. For the way you've got it all put together, the cap probably isn't
    doing much.

    Next, can you get us a clearer picture, preferably one from an angle that lets us see
    exactly which female header sockets are used from the demo board, and how the
    wires run into your socket?

    Can you describe exactly how you've built that adapter from the protoboard to the
    microSD adapter?

    Just to minimize variance, let's put everything back to pins 0..3 if at all possible.

    The fact that mount is working sometimes makes me think that the basic four
    pin connections are fine. Which makes me suspect power/ground not being
    great, or something like that.

  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2011-10-13 12:07
    I'd be inclined to suspect poor connections on the solderless breadboard. I hardly ever use the things.
  • ayumeayume Posts: 19
    edited 2011-10-17 16:13
    i'm really sorry, l late to report

    i've made a new sd card adapter board
    this is the picture my old and new sd card adapter board

    i just use DO, DI, CLK, CS and connect it directly to propeller (without pull up resistor and cap between power and ground)

    first, i was connecting the adapter bord to propeller like picture below. and the result still error

    without any serious porpose, i turned the adapter board and....
    yeah success!

    i think, i was misunderstanding about the sd card pin number
    now, am i still need some pull up resistor and a cap between power and ground?
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  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,999
    edited 2011-10-17 16:16
    Glad you finally got it! You probably don't need the cap or pull-up resistors if you're just testing things out.
    If you were going to manufacture a PCB though, I'd think about it.

    BTW: The pin numbering is a bit strange. That's why I drew the numbers on the card and put the photo on my website...
  • ayumeayume Posts: 19
    edited 2011-10-17 16:25
    thank you so much Rayman, Rokicki and all of you
    thank you for not giving up on me
  • tdg8934tdg8934 Posts: 126
    edited 2012-03-03 14:44
    I am new with the Propeller and bought a Propeller Platform USB and have an 8GB card. I ran another SPIN program sucessfully (can't remember the name) but it said on the Serial Terminal that it mounted and asked me to input 2 phrases which it said it wrote to a file on the card. So I know my card is accessible.

    Here is my problem:

    I downloaded vs 2.6 of this FSRW26 software and I get a windows error message when I hit F10 or F11 within the Propeller Tool 1.3:

    Cannot find Object 'SYSDEP.SPIN' ...

    I doubt I'm the first that has reported on this. What is this SYSDEP.SPIN and where can I find it?

    There seems to be nothing on the Internet when I do a Google search on SYSDEP.SPIN.
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2012-03-03 15:42
    Rename sysdep_demo_ser.spin to sysdep.spin.
  • tdg8934tdg8934 Posts: 126
    edited 2012-03-03 16:02
    Thank you - that worked.

    Pretty neat programs. All I could see do something was TEST.SPIN and SERIAL_TERMINAL.SPIN. I suppose the rest are supporting files. I'll have to study these.

    Thanks again.

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