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GPS Receiver Module — Parallax Forums

GPS Receiver Module

SPolySPoly Posts: 20
edited 2011-11-09 05:29 in Accessories
Hello all,

Basically I have a problem with my GPS receiver module(28146). It seems that GPS cannot get a signal lock. I have been waiting for it to "lock" for more than 20mins. The red LED light just kept blinking (slowly). There seems to be no changes in the blinking freq.
The code I use is the one provided by Chris Savage on making a datalogger kit. Yes, I am using that kit together with the GPS module. So please provide any assistance on how to solve this problem. Thankss :)


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-09-27 03:27

    Are you using the GPS with a switching power supply? My GPS module has a really hard time getting a lock when I use a switching power supply. This includes the boost circuit to a LCD screen's backlight.

    I just looked up the 28146 module. It looks like the same module I purchased several years ago from Parallax. I don't use this GPS module much myself because it has such a hard time establishing a lock. I love most of the stuff Parallax sells but I think, in this case, they're selling a lemon of a GPS unit.

    To get mine to lock I had to have it next sitting in an open south facing window for a long time (I think longer than 20 minutes). It might do better outside.

    I finally purchased one of these units. It has trouble around switching regulators but otherwise it picks up satellites while I'm sitting at my computer (about eight feet from a window) within a minute or so (if not seconds).

    I wish I had a better solution for you. If anyone else knows how to get these GPS units to work better, I'd like to hear about it.

    I recall a similar thread once where a Parallax employee acknowledged these units have a hard time getting an initial lock on satellites.

  • SPolySPoly Posts: 20
    edited 2011-09-28 06:39
    Hi Duane,

    Guess what. Finally my GPS module can get a signal lock. It just need a lot of patience and after that it takes less than 10mins to get a signal lock depending on my location. Sadly, now i face another problem with my USB to Serial Adapter RS-232. A communication error keeps popping out whenever i want to connect my computer to the SuperCarrier.It can only connect for the first time or everytime i restart my computer but after that it won't connect anymore.

    Do you have any solutions to this? Anyway thanks for the advice given. Maybe I might give a try on the GPS Module you recommended.
  • Jessica UelmenJessica Uelmen Posts: 490
    edited 2011-09-28 08:31

    The internal antenna for that GPS module does have it's limitations, an works best outdoors on clear days. Other situations do require longer amounts of time for satellite lock.

    We now also sell a different module which is compatible with the same code as the 28146. The external antenna gives it a much faster signal lock, check it out here.

  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-09-28 09:05
    SPoly wrote: »
    Hi Duane,

    Guess what. Finally my GPS module can get a signal lock. It just need a lot of patience and after that it takes less than 10mins to get a signal lock depending on my location. Sadly, now i face another problem with my USB to Serial Adapter RS-232. A communication error keeps popping out whenever i want to connect my computer to the SuperCarrier.It can only connect for the first time or everytime i restart my computer but after that it won't connect anymore.

    Do you have any solutions to this? Anyway thanks for the advice given. Maybe I might give a try on the GPS Module you recommended.

    I'm glad you got your GPS module to lock. There is something pretty cool about knowing your little device is listening in on satellites passing overhead in space. (At least I think it's coo.)

    I doubt the GPS module is causing your computer problem. It sure sounds like a computer software issue.

    What program are you using on the computer?

    Does your microcontroller have the same problem communicating with the computer? Which microcontroller are you using?

  • SPolySPoly Posts: 20
    edited 2011-09-28 19:04
    @Jessica Okay,I will check it out. Thanks

    @Duane Im using the basics as taught by chris savage on how to make a gps datalogger kit. So im using the basic stamp programmer software on a Windows Vista. Yes the Pc cannot communicate with the BS2 at all. It kept saying basic stamp not found. Im totally stuck here! Please help.
    Thanks you so much!
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-09-28 19:44

    Sorry, I haven't used a Basic Stamp for several years. I don't even have the PBasic editor installed on this computer.

    Hopefully someone else here can chime in. It sound like a driver problem with your USB to serial adapter.

  • SPolySPoly Posts: 20
    edited 2011-09-28 21:04
    Hmmm okay, thanks for your help anyways :)
  • SteveJSteveJ Posts: 13
    edited 2011-11-09 05:29
    Hi S,

    It sounds like you have built the datalogger kit?? I built one last month and found I had problems until very carefully reviewing it versus the schematic that was provided online. After doing this the functionality was better.
    One thing to watch is the battery life. Chris had warned about battery life. he 9V batter that I used lasted less than half an hour.

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