Last night I deleted an ENDTASK statement by accident.
PropBasic gives some really weird error messages then, as I edited some other parts of my code it tookme quite a while to find out what was wrong (ok,it was quite late...). But it would be nice if the compiler could check TASK-ENDTASK, SUB-ENDSUB and FUNC-ENDFUNC and generate apprpriate errors.
Cheers, Fried
PropBasic gives some really weird error messages then, as I edited some other parts of my code it tookme quite a while to find out what was wrong (ok,it was quite late...). But it would be nice if the compiler could check TASK-ENDTASK, SUB-ENDSUB and FUNC-ENDFUNC and generate apprpriate errors.
Cheers, Fried
You can have SUB..ENDSUB and FUNC...ENDFUNC within a TASK...ENDTASK. So the compiler wouldn't know anything was wrong until it hit another TASK line.