BS2 Serin and Serout on same stamp
Posts: 36
Im have a 433Mhz RF receiver and transmitter. I also have on BS2 homework board. Is it possible to Serial out data from one I/O pin to the transmitter and then serial in the same data through different I/O pin from the receiver? I want to check my wireless connection and make sure its transmitting data.
Like this maybe
Serout 1,188,[Datasent]
Serin 2,188,[Datarecieved]
debug Datarecived
Like i said i just want to output data to my transmitter then read in back in from my receiver to check my wireless circuit.
Like this maybe
Serout 1,188,[Datasent]
Serin 2,188,[Datarecieved]
debug Datarecived
Like i said i just want to output data to my transmitter then read in back in from my receiver to check my wireless circuit.