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I was two years away - now I need an SX-key — Parallax Forums

I was two years away - now I need an SX-key

tommytommy Posts: 84
edited 2011-09-26 10:30 in General Discussion
My whole apartment house flooded - stuff was ruined - I moved cross country to the Colorado mountains - a two year hiatus from even using a soldering iron... and now I'm in a NC motel (truck-driving, til December), with some previously built SX boards, and an unopened brand new Propeller kit that was delivered the day after the storm.
I have a new laptop and all of my assembly code for the SX-28's - but I'm missing the SX-Key - (it was a two-part gizmo) - from USB to the four pins on the board.
They're discontinued at Parallax - would anyone know how I might now purchase an SX-Key.

thank you.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2011-09-25 12:41

    Best case is that somebody on the forums has one they can provide to you.

    Worst case isn't all that bad, either. A group of our customers (Peter Montgomery, Andre' LaMothe, Guenther Daubach and dkempannin) are manufacturing them again for customers like yourself. Let's see if they respond to this forum thread so they can update us on the manufacturing schedule. Last I saw they had successfully made a prototype and programmed/debugged some SX chips, about a week ago.

    Ken Gracey
  • Zap-oZap-o Posts: 452
    edited 2011-09-25 17:47

    If you like I can send you mine, I don't use it (never have). Please PM me and we can set up the details.
  • tommytommy Posts: 84
    edited 2011-09-26 10:30
    My Goodness. Thank you.

    --- I have a mountain home in Colorado, but I'm there only four months of the year. I'm driving an advertising truck in North Carolina until December - and I have brought some electronics stuff to keep me interestingly busy on my days off...
    --- I have thirty SX-Chips left, and will use them for small projects (at $3 each) - I had a flood in my old NY apartment in March '09 and then packed up and moved cross-country. I have no idea yet, what will be replacing the good ol' SX-28 chips. I am about to take a step into the 'Propeller' world - but it's quite an overkill (at $8) for small fan-controls and such. I will certainly have time to do things, especially in the winter when we sometimes get snowed in.

    and just to share a little bit - my big breakthrough into making anything useful at all, was when I finally learned to make my own (crude: 10 / inch) circuit boards - suddenly, 80% of the wiring was right there on the board ! - and I could make a simple board from scratch in about two hours.

    I have sent you my address by PM.

    thank you. tommy
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