SD Card Ascess
Just wanted to know if it is possible to open folders within the root directory of the SD??. Any ideas on how I might do this, the fsrw.spin does not support this I believe.
Just wanted to know if it is possible to open folders within the root directory of the SD??. Any ideas on how I might do this, the fsrw.spin does not support this I believe.
Look at Application Note #6 for the latest driver.
I've been using you latest driver a lot lately in different projects. I'm always amazed at how easy it is to get the SD card to work. I used to worry about pull-up resistors but lately I've just start connecting the four main wires to the Prop (and power) and it always works right away. It's great. Thanks for all your great objects.
any of the I/O's float and using a 10K quad resistor pack for the pull ups only costs a couple cents..
IF you don't need FAT support, you can have files, directories, and sub-directories using propforth. The SD is treated as "internal" to the prop system, you read and write to SD via the prop (as you would internal memory on an iPhone or mp3 player, etc). The system is designed for speed and small memory footprint.