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Spin development on Android — Parallax Forums

Spin development on Android

rosco_pcrosco_pc Posts: 468
edited 2011-09-25 01:03 in Propeller 1

I finally got homespun working under android (you need to be rooted) :
1 Download "Mono" from the market a testing version made available by Koushikdutta of CWM fame)
The first time you run it it will complain about a missing file. open a terminal, goto /data/app
and remove the -1 from the missing file (you will find these comments as well in the review for the mono app)
2 Download homespun from here:
3 And run it, sofar it will only work when running mono from the 'mono' directory

There are several code editors available for Android, I have used both Jota and Touchqode.
Couple of things left to do:
1 write a shellscript to easily invoke homespun
2 Get spinsim to work on Android (need to get the NDK installed first :)
3 get a prop downloader to work under Android. I remember there was a python version somewhere on the forum
(you can install a python interpreter via SL4A :)

I'll keep you all posted on any progress :)


  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2011-09-25 01:03
    Fantastic. I am not quite prepared to root my Xoom just yet but I know it has been done successfully :)

    A bluetooth downloader would now be a boost. I have a microSD in the xoom that will also work for me.
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