28146 GPS in RAW mode
I need help with my GPS, I was in another forum trying to get the Parallax 28146 to work in Smart mode, although due to communication errors between the MCU and the GPS I don't think it will work, at least not in the time I need it to. So I have connected the GPS in RAW mode and I'm sending what the GPS outputs to Tera Term, the problem I'm having is that I'm getting strings such as:
I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand what I'm getting on the output especially the line:
$PG,9060055.05N13869,,,71013.,,1.,,00*8 GGAA31,80,20,00,,,1710143 $PG,9070055.05N13869,,,71013.,,1.,,00*9GGAA31,80,20,00,,,1710143 $PG,9080055.05N13869,,,71013.,,1.,,00*6GGAA31,80,20,00,,,1710143 $PG,9090055.05N13869,,,71013.,,1.,,00*7GGAA31,80,20,00,,,1710143 $PS,,,11,533,40,3,1,4212*8,20,4,77 GGAA31,80,20,00,,,1710143 GRC134.0,,0490,,15.85W00,2.5201,,*F $PG,9000055.05N13869,,,71013.,,1.,,00*F $PG,9010055.05N13869,,,61013.,,1.,,00*F GGAA31,80,20,00,,,1710143 $PG,9020055.05N13869,,,61013.,,1.,,00*CGGAA32,91,22,4,,,2110183 $PG,9030055.05N13869,,,61013.,,1.,,00*DGGAA32,91,22,4,,,2110183 $PMAccording to the Parallax 28146 GPS datasheet I should be getting the data:
- $GPGGA: Global Positioning System Fix Data
- $GPGSV: GPS satellites in view
- $GPGSA: GPS DOP and active satellites
- $GPRMC: Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data
GGAA31,80,20,00,,,1710143Although that code makes no sense, as there is no Time or latitude/longitude....
I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand what I'm getting on the output especially the line:
$PG,9030055.05N13869,,,61013.,,1.,,00*DGGAA32,91,22,4,,,2110183Can someone HELP ME PLEASE!!!!
Looks like it might be a timing problem. All the information is not passing.ie, dropping bits.
Mine works fine through Hyperterminal and Parallax Serial Terminal.
Baud Rate --> 4800
Data --> 8 bit
Parity --> None
Stop --> 1 bit
Then I have something called flow control which is --> None, although it has the options: Xon/Xoff, hardware, none..... I don't have any setting for inverted/non-inverted
Also I have a setting for the Transmit delay with two boxes --> "blank" msec/char and "blank" msec/line <-- the "blank" spaces are where you would put the amount, currently I have both set for 0
I don't have Hyperterminal, although I could look for Parallax Serial Terminal, did you get Parallax Terminal from this site??
Could you describe or post a picture of your hardware setup?
So the first picture is my microcontroller a PIC18F26K22 which is connected to an olimex development board which has a MAX232 IC chip on it, this is then connected to my PC in order to transmit the serial data to a terminal, currently tried Tera Term and Parallax Serial Terminal with the same output.
The second image is the GPS connected in RAW mode to the PIC MCU, the whole circuit is being powered by a MPLAB ICD2 (in-circuit debugger), currently I'm using software UART which is similar to PBasic SEROUT and SERIN
You mention 4800 baud from the GPS, but don't mention the speed from your PIC to the terminal. It needs to be at least 4800 baud, if not 2-4 times faster.
Your use of software UART (I assume on the receive end from the GPS) isn't helping matters. Use the hardware UART so that your chip doesn't drop any characters. The hardware UART has a buffer in it, so incoming bytes are not lost while the chip is doing something else.
As far as delaying bytes from the GPS, that's not an option you want or need to have. The 4800 baud speed is plenty slow already for most any real-time processing you need to do.
-- Gordon
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I am only familiar with the Basic Stamp and Propeller software.
Sorry I can't be of any help.
Your problem could be from many, many things, some of which *could* be:
* Hardware UARTs are usually tied to a specific pin. Make sure you're using the right pin for Rx.
* Use non-inverted input. The default for hardware UART may be inverted serial. Change as needed.
* If this chip is also programmed through the same UART you may need to disconnect the programming lines before you can receive from a different device.
These are the first three that came to my mind, but really, the list goes on.
-- Gordon