Elementary Background Task to control Stingray Motors in PropBasic
Something to play with, based on the Stingray Propeller board.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' File...... MotCtl.pbas ' Author.... fgvissel 23.09.2011 ' based on the SRMotorControl Object by Nico Schoemaker ' mind the 10 MHz Propeller ' ====================================================================== ' ----- Device Settings ------------------------------------------------ DEVICE P8X32A, XTAL1, PLL16X XIN 6_250_000 ' ----- Conditional Compilation Symbols -------------------------------- ' ----- Constants ------------------------------------------------------ ' ----- IO Pins -------------------------------------------------------- ' ----- Shared (HUB) Variables (Byte, Word, Long) ---------------------- hbPeriodTicks hub long = 0 hbCommand hub long = 3 'Sync with PWM cog hbSpeedL hub long = 0 hbSpeedR hub long = 0 hbRampDelay hub long = 0 ' ----- User Data (DATA, WDATA, LDATA, FILE) --------------------------- ' ----- TASK Definitions ----------------------------------------------- PWM TASK AUTO ' ----- Local Variables (LONG only) ------------------------------------ t1 var long 'for intermediate temp results ' ----- SUB and FUNC Definitions --------------------------------------- MoveForward SUB 1 MoveBackward SUB 1 SetRampDelay SUB 1 ' ====================================================================== PROGRAM Start Start: t1 = _FREQ / 1000 'PWM frequency is 1 kHz, Period 1 msec wrlong hbPeriodTicks, t1 wrlong hbSpeedL, 0 'clear command wrlong hbSpeedR, 0 wrlong hbRampDelay, 0 wrlong hbCommand, 0 'Start Background PWM Task '------------------Simple Testframe for Stingray Motors --------------- Main: SetRampDelay 10 do MoveBackward 100 pause 3000 MoveForward 100 pause 3000 loop END ' ----- SUB and FUNC Code ---------------------------------------------- SUB MoveForward 'Speed do 'Wait forPWM cog to finish command rdlong hbCommand, t1 loop until t1 = 0 __param1 = __param1 MIN 0 'send new command, forward speed 0 - 100 __param1 = __param1 MAX 100 wrlong hbSpeedL, __param1 wrlong hbSpeedR, __param1 wrlong hbCommand, 1 ENDSUB SUB MoveBackward 'Speed do 'Wait forPWM cog to finish command rdlong hbCommand, t1 loop until t1 = 0 __param1 = __param1 MIN 0 'send new command, backward speed0 - 100 __param1 = __param1 MAX 100 __param1 = - __param1 wrlong hbSpeedL, __param1 wrlong hbSpeedR, __param1 wrlong hbCommand, 1 ENDSUB SUB SetRampDelay 'RampDelay __param1 = __param1 MIN 0 __param1 = __param1 MAX 10 wrlong hbRampDelay, __param1 ENDSUB ' ----- TASK Code ------------------------------------------------------ TASK PWM SetOutputMask SUB GetCommand SUB GetHubCommand SUB t1 var long delay var long SlicDur var long SliceCount var long OutputMask var long Command var long SpeedL var long curSpeedL var long curAbsSpeedL var long SpeedR var long curSpeedR var long curAbsSpeedR var long RampDelay var long curRampDelay var long '---Code--- t1 = %1111 'Output Bits 24..27 t1 = t1 << 24 'are set to 0 on cogstart dira = t1 do rdlong hbCommand, Command 'Init, Sync with cog 0 loop until Command <> 3 rdlong hbPeriodTicks, SlicDur 'read clockticks for one period (100 Slices) SlicDur = SlicDur / 100 '1/100 period ticks SliceCount = 100 SpeedL = 0 'init all Speeds to 0 SpeedR = 0 RampDelay = 0 curSpeedL = 0 curSpeedR = 0 delay = SlicDur 'set delay to the end of 1. period slice delay = delay + cnt do 'endless loop, create PWM do do 'do forever, main PWM loop do 'inner loop, run one slice for SliceCount = 100 to 0 step -1 SetOutputMask 'based on current values outa = OutputMask << 24 'set pins for current Slice waitcnt delay, SlicDur 'wait till end of current slice next GetHubCommand loop while RampDelay = 0 'no ramp delay, loop dec curRampDelay loop while curRampDelay > 0 'loop for RamDelay curRampDelay = RampDelay 'set new RampDelay if curSpeedL < SpeedL then inc curSpeedL elseif curSpeedL > SpeedL then dec curSpeedL endif if curSpeedR < SpeedR then inc curSpeedR elseif curSpeedR > SpeedR then dec curSpeedR endif loop '---SUBs--- SUB SetOutputMask OutputMask = %0000 'OutputMask = 0 if curSpeedL < 0 then OutputMask = OutputMask | %0001 'LM back, leave RM alone elseif curSpeedL = 0 then ' bit 24 = 1 OutputMask = OutputMask | %0011 'stop left motor elseif curSpeedL > 0 then OutputMask = OutputMask | %0010 'set left motor to forward endif curAbsSpeedL = abs curSpeedL if SliceCount > curAbsSpeedL then OutputMask = OutputMask | %0011 'Stop left motor endif if curSpeedR < 0 then OutputMask = OutputMask | %1000 'set right motor to backward elseif curSpeedR = 0 then ' bit 27 = 1 OutputMask = OutputMask | %1100 'stop right motor elseif curSpeedR > 0 then OutputMask = OutputMask | %0100 'set right motor to forward endif curAbsSpeedR = abs curSpeedR if SliceCount > curAbsSpeedR then OutputMask = OutputMask | %1100 'Stop right motor endif ENDSUB SUB GetHubCommand rdlong hbcommand, command 'get new command if command <> 0 then rdlong hbSpeedL, SpeedL rdlong hbSpeedR, SpeedR rdlong hbRampDelay, RampDelay curRampDelay = RampDelay endif if Rampdelay = 0 then curSpeedL = SpeedL curSpeedR = SpeedR endif Command = 0 'set Bit0 = 0 wrlong hbCommand, Command 'sig caller that processing is finished ENDSUB ENDTASK ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------