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Is a Serial Terminal .dll available? — Parallax Forums

Is a Serial Terminal .dll available?

Kirk FraserKirk Fraser Posts: 364
edited 2011-09-24 09:05 in Propeller 1
I'm wondering if there is a .dll or source code to the Serial Terminal available. I want my Propeller to communicate with a PC but I want to write a GUI to display what's going on with my project in graphics form instead of just text debug messages. Thanks.


  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2011-09-24 05:36
    Hi, welcome to the Parallax forums. When you use the Propeller Tool IDE to create a Spin program you can add "Objects" that contain subs and functions accessible to the main program in a similar way you might use a dll. Ther are several "Objects" for serial routines under the Protocol heading of the OBEX, the OBEX (Object Exchange) can be accessed from the Parallax home page or from the tab at the top of your browser while viewing the forums. The Proptool IDE also comes with serial Objects in it's Library folder. A popular example serial object to start wih might be FullDuplexSerial.spin. There are many examples and there are many people on these forums that can help further if you need.

  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-09-24 06:35

    If you understand Visual Studio C++ programming, this link will help.

  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-09-24 06:41

    You can also find the source code for the Parallax Serial Terminal at this location:

  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-09-24 07:24
    @Kirk Fraser, High level languages come with serial port libraries.
    I want my Propeller to communicate with a PC but I want to write a GUI to display what's going on with my project in graphics form instead of just text debug messages
    This is a custom build and protocol. Most likely, you need low level serial port libraries and not a wrapper (dll).

    What language are you using?
  • Kirk FraserKirk Fraser Posts: 364
    edited 2011-09-24 08:18
    Thanks to all. I am hoping to use Cuis, a variant of Squeak Smalltalk, which with the newest virtual machine easily connects to .dll's enabling me to program in objects. However, I have a stack of C++ books to learn from if necessary and an assortment of free or effectively free compilers including Bloodshed, Nokia Qt, and MS Visual Studio.
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-09-24 08:26

    What kind of GUI are you looking for? Just a few LEDs or some much more difficult?

  • Kirk FraserKirk Fraser Posts: 364
    edited 2011-09-24 08:53
    LED's are very easy to sprinkle in the circuit especially on a solderless prototype board. I just plug in the long lead into the Propeller pins and the short lead in a vertical column connected to ground through one 220 ohm resistor, eliminating the need for many resistors. I'm looking to make a much more difficult GUI, which your links will help solve, first displaying the actions of my robot at least in stick figure form, later on top (like roads on Google Maps) of a display from an on-board camera, giving a God's eye view which is above and behind the action. I have Cuis displaying a webcam image already but lots more small bits of code are needed.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-09-24 08:54
    Kirk, I took a quick look at Squeak docs and found a SerialPort library.
    port := SerialPort new.
    port openPort: '/dev/USB or your serial device'.
    port nextPutAll: 'data to send'.
    response := port readString.
  • Kirk FraserKirk Fraser Posts: 364
    edited 2011-09-24 09:05
    Wow, thanks! That should do the serial I/O much simpler.
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