Project box for Spinneret Web Server

Does anyone know where I can order the Aluminum U Tube Extrusion Parallax uses in their MoBo Panel Kit #28303. The Spinneret board slides into it perfectly but the tube in the kit is not long enough. The Kit's tube is only 2.75" long and it needs to 4" for my project. I would like to buy just the tube i can manufacture the ends and the face. Thanks.
These picture were from my first test, and i have gotten the correct sized bolts now, but this should give you an idea.
We're actually working on a case for the Spinneret (it's on my list) - It's a couple weeks out, but in the mean time, contact Jim (in Sales) and he can get you set up with the extrusion piece.
Thanks Matt and Phil! I reached out to Ken Gracey last night and he said he will get me some custom lengths. I would still like to know who makes the tubes i wonder if they have other sizes (wider) that I could use in other projects.