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Additional Idea's for "Mini Projects" — Parallax Forums

Additional Idea's for "Mini Projects"

WLKoeppWLKoepp Posts: 2
edited 2012-01-08 21:29 in Learn with BlocklyProp
This is a Place to put some extra educational projects of your own design to share with the public. Try to keeps things on a level that is educational to everyone. In your posted codes I please request that you use comments to explain to readers what is happening in the program.
Thank you and I hope everyone enjoys learning from these extra projects!


  • WLKoeppWLKoepp Posts: 2
    edited 2011-09-21 20:18
    This is the first beginner level mini project i have devised. In "What's a Microcontroller?" or in "Mini Projects" i have not seen an example of how to get a third color out of a bicolor LED.
    Third color of the Bicolor LED
    Parts needed:
    (1) bicolor LED
    (1) 470 Ohm resistor
    (0-2) jumper wires
    and a BOE/HWB or other BASIC Stamp development board

    Refer to page 54(Ch.2-Lights On Lights Off) of "What's a Microcontroller?" for the circuit.
    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    'by William Koepp
    'wrote on 9/18/2011 (mm/dd/yyyy)
    'using red, green, and orange on a bicolor LED
    counter VAR Byte
    'declares "counter" as a varable using one byte of memory.
    DEBUG "Programme Running..."
      DEBUG CR, "Orange..."
      FOR counter = 1 TO 150
        LOW 15
        HIGH 14
        PAUSE 5
        HIGH 15
        LOW 14
        PAUSE 5
      'blinks LED so fast it appears to be orange in color
    'returns programme to "DO".

    How it Works:
    It works by eye illusion. The bicolor LED is always ether red or green. the LED switches color so fast though, every 5 milliseconds, that our eyes blend the red and green together to form a orange color.

    Enjoy your new found third color!
  • Mr_Roboman4321Mr_Roboman4321 Posts: 1
    edited 2012-01-08 12:12
    This is something cool I found out how to do using LED's that is something for beginner circuitry hobbyists.

    Alternating color's with LED's

    Parts needed:
    1 Red LED
    1 Green LED
    1 Potentiometer

    Connect Vdd to wiper terminal of potentiometer with a 220 Ohm resistor
    Connect the top of the potentiometer to the Anode of the Green LED
    Connect the bottom of the potentiometer to the Anode of the Red LED
    Connect both of the LED's cathode to Vss


    When you turn the potentiometer clockwise, the Red LED should grow dimmer and the Green LED should grow brighter
    When you turn the potentiometer counter-clockwise, the Red LED should grow brighter and the Green LED should grow dimmer


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2012-01-08 21:29
    WLKoepp, welcome to the forums! It's great to have a newcomer to the forums from the heart of Texas! You guys do things BIG down there so we're looking forward to more projects like this one.

    If you think the LCD screen makes it better, wait till you get your hands on a Propeller BOE for video output. Excuse me, I'm a sales person at heart!

    Honestly, welcome to the forums. Make yourself at home!

    Ken Gracey
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