Proposed New Icon For BST GUI
Hello, I am a bit new to the Parallax Propeller architecture, and to the Spin language itself, being an Arduino convert. However, I am an owner of a small musical instrument company and a graphic designer, by trade. Upon downloading the BST GUI application, I was a bit set back by its logo with the blurred images and all, so I took a little bit of time to make a new logo for your consideration.
I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes just, being an OS X user, I really like my icons to be nice, crisp, and graphically interesting, and, personally, I prefer this icon.
Attached is a screenshot of the icon in use in the dock in OS X, and, additionally, the icon in three different formats (OS X .icns, Windows .ico, Vista .ico). Please, providing you like it, feel free to incorporate it in any future builds license free. Hopefully, my introductory gift to the community and to such a marvelous project in its entirety!!
Thank you so much for your development and efforts with this platform!!
I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes just, being an OS X user, I really like my icons to be nice, crisp, and graphically interesting, and, personally, I prefer this icon.
Attached is a screenshot of the icon in use in the dock in OS X, and, additionally, the icon in three different formats (OS X .icns, Windows .ico, Vista .ico). Please, providing you like it, feel free to incorporate it in any future builds license free. Hopefully, my introductory gift to the community and to such a marvelous project in its entirety!!
Thank you so much for your development and efforts with this platform!!

First of all, welcome to the forums! The Propeller crowd will be happy to assist you with everything you want to know. There are many talented people on this forum with time to spare, especially for newcomers like yourself.
JonnyMac has done quite a bit of DMX512 and MIDI work with the Propeller. I'm not sure how much he has posted on these forums, but feel free to make me work on your behalf if there's something he's done that you'd like to use on your own. Not all of his work makes it to OBEX and I have ways of helping him share and play with others who have common interests.
As for the icon, I like it. Brad designed BST and he hangs around here, so let's see if you can pique his interest with the new Propeller icon.
Welcome to the Propeller forum!
Ken Gracey
Welcome Committee
Thank you so much for such a warm welcome! Truthfully, I have yet to even purchase a Propeller chip hhahahha... I was just experimenting with the programming language prior to buying a chip (and likely a protoboard) sometime tomorrow! Thank you very much, though, for the leads and offerings of help! I haven't quite begun a thorough search on the topic yet, but has anybody ventured into OSC protocol development on the architecture?
I am glad you like the icon though! ..Yeah, I wasn't too sure who to contact with direct developmental access to BST - imagine my surprise to see a "Suggestions to Parallax" branch of the forum when I began searching! I hope Brad likes it, as well, and I look forward to (hopefully) meeting him (digitally hahha).
However, very nice meeting you, Ken! I hope this can only be the first of many contributions to come!