Serial to parallele freezing results component...
Ok, sorry about this horrible title.
Let me try to explain.
I have a need on both my propeler and my Javelin to convert a seriel output to a parallele one to control many relays. That's fine, and I will do that with a 74HC595.
So when I send "1011011" I have few relays turning on, and few turning off.
My concerne is that when I update the ouput to something like "1010011", while it's pushing it out, all the relays will turn on and off until they got the final state.
So what I'm looking for it's something to put betweem the 74HC595 and the ULN2803 which will copy his input to his output only when I will tell it. Or, even better, which will copy the input to the output if it changed since more than few milliseconds. That will allow me to push the new configuration quickly until it can see it has changed, and so only the right relay will switch.
This is to operate lights and heaters for an aquarium, so it don't need to go fast.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Let me try to explain.
I have a need on both my propeler and my Javelin to convert a seriel output to a parallele one to control many relays. That's fine, and I will do that with a 74HC595.
So when I send "1011011" I have few relays turning on, and few turning off.
My concerne is that when I update the ouput to something like "1010011", while it's pushing it out, all the relays will turn on and off until they got the final state.
So what I'm looking for it's something to put betweem the 74HC595 and the ULN2803 which will copy his input to his output only when I will tell it. Or, even better, which will copy the input to the output if it changed since more than few milliseconds. That will allow me to push the new configuration quickly until it can see it has changed, and so only the right relay will switch.
This is to operate lights and heaters for an aquarium, so it don't need to go fast.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You don't need anything between the 74HC595 and the ULN2803 because there's already something appropriate inside the 74HC595.
Thanks a lot Mike!
The TPIC6595 can driver 250mA and the ULN can drive 500mA.
However, it's to use with the Omron relay (Control voltage: 12VDC @ 33.3mA (approx 400mW)) so both of them are correct.
So I will have to think a bit about wirering vs costs...
Thanks for pointing me also to this component.